Time To Free Students From Cage Of Compulsion

Monday 18 July 2011, 6:35PM

By ACT New Zealand



ACT New Zealand Tertiary Education Spokesman Hon Heather Roy today dismissed Otago University Students’ Association President Logan Edgar’s plan to lock himself in a cage to protest Voluntary Student Membership as a cheap and misguided stunt.

“Perhaps Logan is bored. His planned protest makes the opposite point to what he presumably intends. Voluntary Student Membership will free students from the cage of student associations, it won’t lock anyone in or out - as Mr Edgar is claiming,” Mrs Roy said.

“Ironically even by locking himself in a cage he is giving himself more choice than he gives the students he claims to represent. He can unlock himself from his cage at any time – students are forced to remain members of a student association whether they want to be or not.

“Students are the only group in society who can be forced to join an organisation against their will. My Bill will give students the same right to freedom of association that all other New Zealanders enjoy as of right.

“The Chief Executive of the Automobile Association doesn’t lock himself in his car every year to protest voluntary membership of the AA, nor does the SPCA Chairman lock himself in a cat cage to try and force pet owners to join his association.

“Instead these people spend their time and energy improving their organisations – which, as incorporated societies have the same legal status as student associations – so that people will choose to join voluntarily. I would have a lot more respect for Mr Edgar if he did the same,” Mrs Roy said.