Rotorua hosts triathlon roadshow at soundshell

Thursday 4 October 2007, 4:02PM

By Triathlon NZ



Triathlon New Zealand plans to bring the sport to the country with a series of seminars aimed at the novice or first time triathletes with the first such event planned for Rotorua on Thursday October 11 th at the Soundshell.

The initiative from Tri NZ goes hand in hand with the 'my sport series', a 7 venue nationwide series with races for competitors of all ages and abilities, including the Contact Energy Cup series for the elites and the 'Tri My Sport' for the newcomers or less ambitious.

Events and Community Development Officer for Tri NZ Richard Sceats says the evenings will be high on information and light on anything too serious in nature.

"These events are not about the elite athletes or training programmes to help you win an Olympic medal. They are about information sharing for the novice or first time athletes, all with a view to helping them enjoy their day or in some cases, actually overcome their fear and enter a race for the first time."

Everyone who attends the seminar will receive a 'goodie bag' and will hear from a number of guest speakers, all of whom are then available for questions at the end of the evening.

Sceats says all three disciplines of swim, bike and run will be covered, along with tips on equipment and nutrition.

"Those attending will hear from experts in their field, in most cases they are local to the region too so our attendees can follow up in the days and weeks ahead with further questions. We will also have a number of more experienced triathletes on hand to offer one on one advice and generally help make someone's first experience of the sport a more enjoyable one.

"The local Rotorua Association of Triathletes and Multisport (RATS) is right behind the concept and will also be on hand to offer longer term help on the ground."

The roadshow is being held exactly one month ahead of the first race in the Contact Energy my sport Series with Blue Lake hosting the series opener on the 11 th November.

Sceats says one month is time enough for most Kiwis to pick up enough skill and fitness to complete the Tri My Sport race.

"Many people are surprised at just how quickly they can pick up the required fitness base to compete in an event such as the Tri My Sport race. With a little hard work and focus on learning how to swim, bike and run properly, the short distances of the Tri My Sport race can be achieved comfortably but more importantly their overall health and well being can be improved immeasurably."

Triathlon Roadshow

Date: Thursday 11th October 2007

Venue: Rotorua Soundshell

Time: 6.00pm till 8.30pm

The evening will include:

Talks from those in the know, topics that will be covered will include swimming, cycling, running, clothing and nutrition. Plus a chance to ask any questions you might have.
Win some prizes, just for being there.
Become a Tri NZ member, (All members will be sent a welcome pack)
Sign up for your first triathlon race.
Meet new training buddies and the local Rotorua Association of Triathletes & Multisport. (RATS)

Tri NZ Contact Energy my sport Series

Date: Saturday 11 th November

Venue: Blue Lake, Rotorua

Distances: Tri My Sport (400m swim/16km bike/5.5km forest run

Contact Energy Cup (1500m swim/40km bike/11km forest run

For further information and entry forms for the Contact Energy my sport Series, visit