Forum hears of economic growth projects

Monday 19 September 2011, 3:18PM

By Auckland Council



Plans to boost the visitor economy in the Auckland region, the success of two southern business improvement districts and an update on the rollout of ultra fast broadband (UFB) were reported to Auckland Council’s Economic Forum this week.

Council Controlled Organisation Auckland Tourism Events and Economic Development Ltd (ATEED), is developing the first strategic regional visitor plan to generate a major lift in the value of the visitor economy over the next decade.

ATEED will also develop an operational plan specifying actions required by ATEED and the council to implement the visitor plan findings.

Production of the visitor plan will involve consultation with industry stakeholders and local boards.

ATEED will report back to the council and local boards before the end of the year.

Local business groups show the way

Investment in security patrols, lighting and safety plans and food safety improvements have dramatically lifted the image of two business improvement districts (BIDs) – Mangere Bridge Village and Dawson Road Shopping Centre.

The appointment of BID managers Carol-Anne Armitage (Mangere Bridge) and Audrey Williams (Dawson Road), who led strategic business plans, saw significant drops in crime-related incidents, illegal dumping, and improved personal safety for shoppers and visitors.

Economic Forum chair, Councillor Arthur Anae, congratulated the managers on turning around the reputation of both centres and said their work emphasised the value of BIDs in the growth of local retail economies.

Broadband rollout moving at pace

The rapid pace of the ultra fast broadband, the rural broadband initiative (RBI) and the expansion of rural wireless broadband across the region has to be matched by a campaign to attract and grow demand for the new services, forum members heard.

UFB rollout started in Albany on 24 August and four other areas have been selected for the first year – Avondale, East Tamaki, Grey Lynn/Herne Bay, and Remuera.

The rollout of broadband features in the council’s Economic Development Strategy (EDS) and the Auckland Plan as being critical to the region’s economic growth through infrastructure that supports innovation and attracts and retains skills.

A second UFB rollout from July 2012 is planned and ATEED and local boards will be asked for their views on demand areas for the second tranche.

The forum recommended the council forms a broadband stakeholder group to leverage the benefits of UFB and encourage uptake, while also ensuring that the rollout programme and sequence is aligned to the priorities in the draft Auckland Plan and EDS.