Praise for Bay volunteers at the Cup

Friday 30 September 2011, 2:48AM

By Bay of Plenty Regional Council



More than 300 people gave up their time to help make the 2011 Rugby World Cup in the Bay of Plenty a success.

Bay of Plenty Regional Council Chairman, John Cronin praised the efforts of the volunteers at today's Council meeting.

"It is only possible to put on such a large event with the help of volunteers and I think it is important that we recognise and thank them for their efforts," Chairman Cronin said.

"While the Cup still has some way to go, the games being held in the Bay of Plenty finished on Sunday, so I congratulate the people in the Bay for the enthusiasm and eagerness they have shown.

"Local volunteers brought the flavour of the Bay to this event - they greeted our international visitors with a smile, helped them find their way around and generally were there to ensure everyone had a great time - so thank you sincerely for being the face of the Bay."

Chairman Cronin also paid tribute to the organisations who have contributed funding and support for the activities in the Bay.

"It has been an enormous effort by the Bay of Plenty Rugby Union - its board and its staff - to lead and engage our community in the Bay's involvement with this international event," he said.

"The games at the Rotorua International Stadium have been a great success and it has been very pleasing to see the ticket sales significantly increase throughout the part of the Cup that we were primarily involved in.

"There is no doubt that the event has contributed to the economy of our region so I'd like to thank the Union, local councils and local businesses for having the foresight to realise the benefits of such a large event and its possibilities."

The 311 volunteers who supported the official 2011 Rugby World Cup activities in the Bay were involved in activities from helping on match days at Rotorua International Stadium to tourism hosting in Rotorua and Tauranga.