A way to help Christchurch without doing much at all

Friday 30 September 2011, 10:03AM

By Method Communications


Dare to Care Logo inspired by the window of the Christchurch cathedral
Dare to Care Logo inspired by the window of the Christchurch cathedral Credit: Method Communications

It's just over one year since the first Christchurch earthquake and there are still so many people in need of help. People whose homes were wrecked, people whose hearts were broken, people who lost their jobs and their livelihood. Many Christchurch businesses are struggling to keep their heads above water.

The rest of the country has given and given to help our Canterbury country folk but many are in hard times themselves and it's getting harder to donate. One Christchurch business has come up with a simple way to help without having to put your hand in your pocket. SHE Chocolat in Governors bay has devised a logo to put on Christchurch-made products so that New Zealanders can continue to buy their everyday items but choose the brands which are based in Christchurch and thus help a business to survive.

It's a simple idea which enables us all to help in our day to day lives. All New Zealanders will be able to easily identify and buy Christchurch-made products and services. By buying these branded items, they will be helping businesses, families, communities and the city rebuild.

Bob Parker, Mayor of Christchurch, says "It's great to see another group determined to help Christchurch get back on its feet. Every effort of this kind puts us one step closer to recovery."

Campaign creator, Declan Scott, says "Businesses, just like people, need support, encouragement and inspiration. The time for handouts has passed, it is time for positive action. For New Zealand to grow, Christchurch needs to regain its momentum in the commercial space.”

The inspiration for the design came from the Rose Window in the Christchurch Cathedral. "The strength required to continue standing in the face of greater challenges and continual earthquakes takes great courage and commitment. Look for the logo and help the businesses of Christchurch - help us be daring by you caring.” says Declan.

The Dare to Care logo is available to all local manufacturers to identify their products as Christchurch made. For more information on the campaign go to

Declan Scott 027 695 8922
Alexia Santamaria 021 337 772