Renwick Museum Open Day

Thursday 27 October 2011, 5:02PM

By Marlborough District Council



Councillor Francis Maher and Renwick Museum volunteer Angela Kennington examine the copperplate handwriting of Renwick School pupil Norah Nolan of Grovetown.

Norah’s work book, dated 1899, contains her grammar and punctuation, arithmetic and geography – including her study of China and India.

Renwicktown was the district’s second public school to open – in 1861 – and today the Renwick Museum has a particularly good collection of early educational material including an historic collection of the NZ School Journals.

The museum has an open day tomorrow to coincide with this weekend’s 150th Renwick School Jubilee.

Under its heritage policy, the Marlborough District Council funds a regional database of all the historic materials, including photographs, available in the district’s museums.