Latest Hamilton bus services advice

Friday 28 October 2011, 2:11PM

By Waikato Regional Council



Waikato Regional Council’s transport team says it expects Hamilton bus services won’t be disrupted next week providing full gas supplies resume from Taranaki on Sunday as hoped.

Twenty-four vehicles from the city’s passenger bus fleet run on CNG, which means provider Go Bus has had to use some alternative diesel powered buses this week to maintain a full service.

Those diesel buses and existing CNG supplies mean that full service can be maintained till at least Sunday at this stage. And if full gas supplies resume Sunday then services next week shouldn’t be affected.

However, council transport operations manager Edwin Swaris urged bus users to stay up to date with developments in case full gas supplies aren’t resumed at the weekend.

“We will make sure that people know promptly if there are going to be any service disruptions after Sunday.”