National Jandal Day - 2 December 2011

Tuesday 8 November 2011, 2:57PM

By Surf Life Saving New Zealand


National Jandal Day - 2 December 2011 Ad
National Jandal Day - 2 December 2011 Ad Credit: Surf Life Saving New Zealand

Surf Life Saving’s annual appeal day, National Jandal Day, is fast approaching! We would love you to encourage your readers/viewers/listeners to get behind National Jandal Day by wearing jandals on Friday 2 December 2011 and donating to a worthy cause.

Please put this date in your diary:

What: National Jandal Day

When: Friday 2 December 2011

Why: It’s Surf Life Saving’s national appeal day. We are an essential charity and need the public’s support to raise money to help lifeguards save more lives on New Zealand’s beaches this summer.

How: Wear your jandals and pledge your support by donating to our street collectors who will be out in force with buckets on the day.