Rose named after city gardens blooms in awards

Tuesday 22 November 2011, 9:06AM

By Hamilton City Council


Hamilton Gardens rose
Hamilton Gardens rose Credit: Hamilton City Council


A rose named after Hamilton Gardens has claimed a category award at the annual Pacific Rose Bowl.

The Pacific Rose Bowl was held at Hamilton Gardens over four days from 17 November, and includes seven different award categories: Rose of the Year, Best Floribunda Rose, Best Climbing Rose, Best NZ Breed Rose, Best Fragrant Rose, Children's Award and Best Hybrid Tea. The event draws entrants from around the rose-growing world.

The Hamilton Gardens rose won Best Hybrid Tea, the category for hybrid roses grown on a single stem, and are the most common form of rose in rose gardens. The Hamilton Gardens rose is a descendent of the Paddy Stephens rose, and is a cream and apricot-salmon colour. It is noted as a strong grower, and was the last rose bred by world-renowned rose breeder Dr Sam McGredy, and he considered it one of his best.

Hamilton Gardens Director Peter Sergel says: “We were very honoured to have Dr McGredy name his last rose after Hamilton Gardens. For it to compete so well against some of the world’s best Hybrid Teas shows it really is a high quality rose.”

The other Pacific Rose Bowl winners were:

Rose of the Year – Lemon N Lime

Best Floribunda Rose – Lemon N Lime

Best Climbing Rose – Sundancer

Best NZ Breed Rose – Lemon N Lime

Children's Award – Tropical Delight

Best Fragrant Rose – William Shakespeare