Queenstown - Kidnapping

Monday 28 November 2011, 8:25AM

By New Zealand Police



Queenstown Police revealed on Sunday evening that they had arrested a 20 year old Queenstown female in regard to an allegation of Kidnapping.

The woman, who will appear in the Queenstown District Court tomorrow, faces charges of Aggravated Wounding, Kidnapping and Reckless Driving in regard to the incident, which is alleged to have occurred in the early hours of Saturday, November 26th, near the Crown Range Road intersection with State Highway 6.

Detective Sergeant Brian Cameron, of Queenstown, stated that Police had seized a number of items from the general scene as well as a yellow Toyota car, believed to have been used in the commission of the offence, for forensic examination, and that Police were following up on some strong leads in the case.

Cameron stated that the incident occurred when a 28 yr old male was encouraged to meet with a person known to him, at the intersection, where he was subsequently set upon by a group of males, most wearing Balaclavas, with two of the group believed to have been carrying a machete and a meat cleaver.

The Victim was the subject of a sustained and brutal attack by the group, with a bladed weapon held to his throat, before he was bundled into the rear of the Toyota car and driven from the scene at high speed. The vehicle subsequently stopped in Arrowtown where the Victim was ejected from the vehicle and left laying in the road.

The Victim was taken to Queenstown Lakes District Hospital and held overnight for observation. The Victim suffered a suspected concussion and had multiple abrasions with severe bruising about his head and body.

The offenders have been described as all being relatively tall and slim with 'skinhead' style haircuts. They are all believed to be of European descent.

One of the men, who did not wear a balaclava, was wearing a black T-Shirt with the word "Misfits" written across the front and was described as clean shaven.

Another of the group was described as wearing a red balaclava and was believed to have been carrying the meat cleaver whilst the others were wearing black balaclavas.

Police believe this group travelled to the scene in a white 4 door saloon car which was seen in the immediate vicinity in the minutes preceding the attack. It is believed this car parked a short way up the hill on the Crown Range Road and it was there that Police recovered a number of items of significant forensic value to the enquiry.

Cameron urged anyone with information about the incident to contact Police - "This was a premeditated and cowardly attack with the Victim effectively ambushed and given no opportunity to defend himself. I would expect that the Community will be as shocked as Police that such a violent incident should take place and will join with Police in identifying these thugs and bringing them to Justice".

"These people will likely have bragged to someone about their actions or it may be that the description of the T-Shirt, emblazoned with the word "Misfits", rings a bell - regardless, if you have any information that may lead to the identification of those responsible for this attack, Police want to hear from you".

Anyone wishing to provide Police with information regarding this matter can contact Queenstown Police on 03 441 1600 or should they wish to remain anonymous, call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.