Newmont Waihi Gold Property Policy Progress Statement

Wednesday 14 December 2011, 12:44PM

By Hauraki District Council



The Mayor of Hauraki District Council, John Tregidga, stated today that he was pleased that
Newmont Waihi Gold was preparing a policy on affects on property as a result of the announcement
of the Correnso and Martha Underground Exploration projects but was disappointed that it will not be
finalised and released until February, 2012.

He indicated that with the announcements made by Newmont in October, 2011 there were already
affects on property owners, particularly those who had their houses on the market or were planning to
sell in the near future and that the position for property owners and tenants was exacerbated by the
extent of the effects being unknown at this stage.

However, he further stated that the progress report released by Newmont Waihi Gold on Tuesday
13 December did give a strong indication on what the Company was considering for inclusion and
this would allow the Council and the community/community groups to make further submissions to
Newmont prior to the policy being finalised.

“There are some exciting aspects in the property policy proposals announced including independent
bodies to review proposals, property value top ups, a simplification of the existing amenity protection
programme (AEP) and the possible establishment of a green fund and a community improvement
fund. However, the policy directions announced will not meet all the expectations that the community
had identified in the various proposals as being desirable” he said.

The Mayor noted that the direction signaled by Newmont was significant because it recognises that
underground mining below built up areas does affect property values and acknowledges the need
for affected land owners to be treated fairly and equitably by the Mining Company with practical and
workable processes.

The Mayor explained that following the Council’s public meeting held on 3 November to discuss
community concerns around the proposed Correnso and Martha Exploration projects the Council had
taken on board the community’s desire for Council to work with the community groups in formulating a
coordinated approach to Newmont on a property policy.