Partial Restrictions For Lake Hayes Supply

Wednesday 21 December 2011, 12:31AM

By Queenstown Lakes District Council



Partial water restrictions will be introduced on the Lake Hayes Scheme this week, Queenstown Lakes District Council 3 Waters Manager Gerry Essenberg said.

Residents on the scheme had made a significant contribution towards reducing the summer water use.

“It is clear that consumers have taken on board the message about conserving water and that needs to be acknowledged,” Mr Esenberg said.

The community was showing more awareness of the limitations of the scheme and had clearly adjusted the demand. For that reason Council was able to impose a partial watering restriction as opposed to a water ban but the situation would need daily monitoring.

“We do have some concerns that increased water use over Christmas and New Year could compromise this and have taken the decision to introduce the limited water restrictions.”
The restrictions, which would take effect from Friday 23 December, are:

  • Hand held watering only from 6am to midday
  • No irrigation from midday to midnight
  • Irrigation using irrigation timers for a maximum of half an hour total per connection between midnight and 6am

Activities such as washing vehicles and filling small swimming pools can take place between 6am and midday using hand held hoses only.

Mr Essenberg said while full restrictions could be imposed with minimal warning, if the residents of Lake Hayes continued to be careful with their water use, it was possible that could be avoided.

Meanwhile the Lake Hayes Water Supply is the only one to have restrictions of any kind placed on it. Arthurs Point and Lake Hawea schemes, normally subject to restriction, were also showing the signs of improved water conservation on the part of residents.

“If that situation can continue then this year those communities look likely to avoid restrictions,” he said..