Driving Recruitment in the Manawatu

Thursday 22 December 2011, 10:03AM

By Palmerston North Personnel


Palmerston North Personnel - Driving Recruitment
Palmerston North Personnel - Driving Recruitment Credit: Palmerston North Personnel


Palmerston North Personnel reconfirm their solid commitment to Manawatu Employment in 2011 and beyond.

As a local employer Palmerston North Personnel is easily identifiable as your local Recruitment Specialist firmly embedded in the local Manawatu Employment market. You can’t miss the brand and the long history of providing local employers the best talent available in Palmerston North, Manawatu and the Lower North Island.

This extensive history and networks throughout Manawatu has resulted in a deep knowledge of how Manawatu Employment works with over 1700 clients and over 5000 successful placements.

You may recognise the red and grey Toyota RAV’s as they zip around to client meetings, you may be a regular visitor to one of the most recognised and well-trafficked websites or perhaps you may be more familiar with the landmark building at 53 Princess Street, Palmerston North.

Directors Claire Frame and Debbie Chrystall are positive icons in the personnel industry in New Zealand. They have built a strong team providing a full suite of valuable recruitment services for our region to access.

Mason Parker, Palmerston North Personnel’s Client Manager says,

”The time for stalling decisions on hiring quality people, or asking existing staff to carry increased workloads, is over… high quality job seekers are talking to Palmerston North Personnel every day. We are actively working with clients who are setting themselves up for success in 2012 with skilled staff.

We acknowledge there has been some confusion and caution through a range of events locally, nationally and globally. We also have seen first-hand some local businesses who are managing growth and embracing positive change. Often by injecting fantastic people into their businesses who add significant value”

Palmerston North Personnel have listened to the local market, and have launched a suite of free online resources for all employers to “Drive Manawatu Employment Forward” is a live portal with tips, trends and more

• There is a free email subscription to the recruitment news portal too

• Employers can also subscribe to receive updates on Top Talent (exceptional people Palmerston North Personnel have already identified)

Palmerston North Personnel have also moved downstairs to modern premises at 53 Princess Street, Palmerston North. (found here)

“Our new premises are light and inviting making for comfortable employee needs analysis and interviewing. It’s also pleasing that local employers have been accessing our premises for interviewing local and international applicants in a neutral and relaxing setting.

We have made our boardroom available for our clients and have managed the whole day for them including catering, interview panels, psychometric assessments and other custom requirements.

The integration of Skype Video Calls and flat screen technology in our boardroom has allowed local clients to bring American, European and Australian applicants right into a Manawatu interview.

This new resource has been very well received by employees and employers in 2011”,
says Mason, “it confirms adding value to Manawatu Employers with customised recruitment solutions is exactly what the Manawatu Employment Market is looking for.”