Rhythm & Vines and BW festivals

Friday 23 December 2011, 6:33PM

By New Zealand Police



Police are warning fake IDs won't get a look in at this year's Rhythm & Vines and BW festivals near Gisborne.

Anyone who presents false driver's licences or any other false forms of identification won't be allowed through the gates, they say. And you could end up being prosecuted for your efforts.

Police and event organisers have noticed an increase in the number of under-age people trying to get into the R18 events in recent years. Those trying to dupe their way into the festival will be turned around at the gates and sent home.

Senior Sergeant Maui Aben of Gisborne Police said festival-goers were required to present ID at the gate to gain entry into the festivals. Security staff and police would be keeping a close eye on IDs being presented.

"Each year there is an increasing number of youngsters trying to get in to the festivals with either borrowed or counterfeit ID. This year, IDs will be under the microscope and if we find anyone trying to use anything false, they won't be allowed entry and are likely to be prosecuted," Mr Aben said.

Attempts to use fake IDs were pointless and costly. Mr Aben said it was nonsensical to risk losing money - those turned away at the gate for using false ID would not get a ticket refund.

"These types of events are R18 for a reason - there will be alcohol for sale and it is illegal for anyone under-age to consume alcohol in a public place. Use your common sense and don't risk being prosecuted for something stupid." Mr Aben said.