Alternative transport funding options online

Friday 24 February 2012, 6:18PM

By Auckland Council



One of the most important documents to shape the future of Auckland is now available online at the Auckland Council website.

Getting Auckland Moving – Paying for Auckland’s Future Transport outlines the critical need for alternative funding sources for crucial transport infrastructure and operations to provide a world-class transport network.

It is available in the Have Your Say section on the website:

The discussion document provides a range of alternative funding options and their relative merits and disadvantages. The Auckland Council Strategy and Finance Committee approved it for public consultation last week. Submissions close on March 24.

The Mayor says the discussion document is one of the most important council publications for Aucklanders.

“The decisions coming from this document will impact everyone in Auckland for decades and I urge everyone to take time to read it and make a submission,” says Mr Brown.

“The people of Auckland need to give Auckland Council clear indications which of the proposed funding sources they prefer so we can concentrate on detailed study of the more favoured options for wider consultation.”

Len Brown says the discussion document is the catalyst for fixing Auckland’s transport problems once and for all.

“Doing nothing is not an option. We cannot leave a legacy of clogged roads and run-down public transport for future generations to deal with.”

The document is also available at council libraries, service centres and local board offices, as well as from the council customer call centre on 09 301 0101.