BNZ extends the deadline for Closed for Good submissions

Friday 16 March 2012, 3:40PM



BNZ wants this year’s Closed for Good day of nationwide volunteering to be the biggest, brightest and busiest ever.

So the bank is extending the deadline for Closed for Good project submissions by another week, calling for any jobs that need doing by community organisations across New Zealand.

Last year more than 3,000 BNZ staff helped out across New Zealand on over 500 different community projects, and this year we’re looking for even more.

BNZ is challenging any school, sports team, gardening club and community group to dig deep and look for projects that need a willing and skilled workforce, and register for help.

Projects will be undertaken all around the country, with community and volunteer organisations able to submit projects by visiting

Submissions for projects are due by March 22, and volunteer registrations due by April 8.