Carisbrook School redevelopment approved

Tuesday 8 May 2012, 6:00PM

By Craig Foss



Associate Education Minister Craig Foss has announced a $4.6 million investment to upgrade Carisbrook School.

Dunedin’s new Carisbrook School was created when Caversham Primary School, Calton Hill Primary School, and College Street Primary School merged.

To accommodate a growing school roll, students are currently split between the three school sites.

The government is committing $4.6 million to upgrade the Caversham site and provide a 21st century learning environment.

Approximately 420 students will be based at the new site for the beginning of the 2014 school year.

“New classrooms will be constructed first, and used to accommodate students while the rest of the school is redeveloped.

“I want to acknowledge the hard work of school boards and the cooperation of parents throughout this process, everyone is working together to secure the best possible educational outcome for the students,” says Mr Foss.

Upgrading the Caversham site will take approximately 18 months.

“The government is committed to providing modern learning environments and creating 21st century schools,” says Mr Foss.