ICF Canoe Sprint World Cup 1, Poznan, Poland

Thursday 17 May 2012, 2:52PM

By Canoe Racing New Zealand


Scott Martlew (para kayaker)
Scott Martlew (para kayaker) Credit: Canoe Racing New Zealand
Lisa Carrington K1
Lisa Carrington K1 Credit: Canoe Racing New Zealand
Steven Ferguson & Darryl Fitzgerald K2
Steven Ferguson & Darryl Fitzgerald K2 Credit: Canoe Racing New Zealand

The NZ kayaking squad is gearing up for the start of their World Cup onslaught, with World Cup 1 in Poland  the first on the chopping block.

On Wednesday the bright new star in NZ Para kayaking, Scott Martlew, starts his attack on the Para Kayak World Champs in Poznan. Scott has been classified LTA which is the classification for para athletes with the most movement. Scott’s first race is the heats of the LTA K1 starting at 10.45am Wednesday European time (8.45pm NZ).

Scott’s race schedule:

10.45am Wed (NZ 8.45pm Wed) LTA K1 200m heats
5.10pm Wed (NZ 3.10am Thurs) LTA K1 200m semi
5.20pm Thurs (NZ 3.20am Fri) LTA K1 200m final

Scott is very keen to get the races underway and is showing no real signs of nerves. The boat he's paddling is wider and more stable than the traditional K1 he paddles. This will produce slower times of course, and coach Leigh Barker believes it slows his 200m time by 4 seconds meaning he should paddle the race in approx 46 seconds depending on conditions. The competition has grown dramatically from last year with most of the major countries fielding teams. This reflects the status of the sport which is on the rise as it is to be added into the Rio Para Olympics in 2016.

The Open team has a busy morning racing on Friday with the first of their World Cup races starting at 9.30am (7.30pm NZ). First on the starting blocks is Teneale Hatton in the WK1 500m, followed by Ben Fouhy in the K1 1000m at 9.55am (7.55pm NZ time) and Steven Ferguson & Darryl Fitzgerald in the K2 1000m at 10.58am (8.58pm NZ time). Lisa Carrington and Erin Taylor then step up at 11.33am (9.33pm NZ time) in the WK2 1000m. The afternoon has Ben racing again in the K1 500m at 3.25pm (1.25am NZ) and Steve and Darryl the K2 500m at 4.10pm (2.10am NZ). So it's action all the way on Friday with semifinals also having to factor in.

Refer attached race schedules


Saturday will feature Lisa and Erin in the WK2 500m at 2.00pm (12am NZ) and Teneale in the WK1 200m at 3.00pm (1.00am NZ) followed by Ben at 3.25pm (1.25am NZ) in the K1 500m and Steve and Darryl K2 500m at 4.10pm (2.10am NZ).

Steve and Darryl have a racy new K2 in a distinctly NZ design, as does Lisa in her new K1 with the Maori design on the front … kiwi pride all the way!

The next World Cup will be held in Duisburg 26-27 May 2012.