Statement on behalf of missing pilot's employer and family

Wednesday 23 May 2012, 10:58AM

By New Zealand Police



Christchurch Police are issuing the following statement on behalf of Way To Go Heliservices Limited, the employer of Michael Graeme Mehrtens, the pilot missing following a helicopter crash at Lake Sumner yesterday.


Rob Kittow, the principal of Way To Go Heliservices Limited, has confirmed that the aircraft involved in the accident at Lake Sumner was a company helicopter.

At this stage, the company is supporting the search and rescue effort by emergency services and co-operating with the investigating authorities.

Mr Kittow said that company staff and friends are deeply shocked and are doing everything possible to support the family and friends of the pilot. “We are a close-knit company and Mike was a highly-valued and much-respected team member,” he said.

“The aircraft was on a routine agriculture operation and there is nothing at this stage to indicate the cause of the accident.

“Over coming weeks the company will be running its own internal investigation and fully co-operating with investigating authorities. However our immediate priorities are support for family and friends of the pilot.

"The company, family and friends will be making no further comment at this time. Please respect our wishes for privacy.”

The family of Mr Mehrtens have also advised that they will not be talking to news media and have requested that media do not attempt to contact them, or friends or relatives.