Illegal dumping continues at Havelock North recycling centre

Wednesday 13 June 2012, 4:55PM

By Hastings District Council



Hastings District Council has issued a number of infringement notices in response to the illegal dumping of material at the Havelock North Recycling Centre in Martin Place.

In April, Council began issuing notices in response to a marked increase in the amount of waste being illegally dumped at the depot. Martin Place only caters for recyclable packaging and does not have facilities to handle rubbish or second hand goods.

Waste Minimisation Officer Dominic Salmon says, “There was a fall in the number of illegal dumping incidents when the tougher stance was instituted but it looks as if the bad behaviour is on the increase again.”

Mr Salmon says “Any material which is left on the verge near the bins is classed as illegal dumping as is non-recyclable material which is placed in the bins. It is also unacceptable to leave material on the verge in case someone else may find it useful. Second hand goods can be sold through website auctions, donated to charity shops or taken to the Henderson Road recycling facility for disposal.”

Signage around the depot clearly shows that dumping of rubbish is illegal and action will be taken against those who are caught. Council has issued 12 fines for illegal dumping at Martin Place since Easter.

Dominic Salmon says “What is surprising is that some people don’t appear to be taking any notice of the signs that clearly indicate that the site is monitored. Those who choose to dump their waste outside the depot are clearly taking advantage of its location in a quiet cul-de-sac and some of the culprits are brazenly dumping the material in broad daylight.”

“It is not acceptable that ratepayers have to foot the bill for cleaning up this material and we will continue to take a hard line on illegal dumping around the district,” Mr Salmon says.