ACC resignations; an easy out for the government?

Friday 15 June 2012, 9:54AM

By Employment Law Experts Limited


Employment Law Experts, a leading ACC and employment relations firm, today urged the government not to shut the door on the Accident Compensation Corporation’s issues following the resignations of several top officials.

Employment Law Experts says that the real issue is the many thousands of claimants who are treated like Bronwyn Pullar, or worse. Many of these people become worn down by the ACC ‘machine’ to the point where they just give up. Employment Law Experts says, “When broken people languish on sickness benefits for years and years because they can’t get the help they need, we all lose, both economically and from a humanitarian point of view.”

Employment Law Experts says that the solution is to move away from a cost saving/surplus producing mentality, to one where the proper rehabilitation of the injured becomes the top priority. Rehabilitated ACC claimants are able to rejoin the productive workforce and become fully functioning members of society. The net result? We all win.

Employment Law Experts, Auckland, New Zealand.