Keep Left reminder

Thursday 12 July 2012, 4:02PM

By Queenstown Lakes District Council



Local drivers are being asked not to cut corners when it comes to safe driving. A new safety campaign, being launched this week by the New Zealand Transport Agency, Queenstown Lakes District Council and the Queenstown Police, seeks to remind drivers about staying on the correct side of the road unless passing.

Aimed at local drivers whose familiarity with the roads may have caused them to develop bad habits, the campaign will see large electronic signs situated on local highways, displaying reminders about keeping left.

NZTA Senior Asset Manager John Jarvis said drivers were more prone to ending up on the wrong side of the centre line while cornering.

“Sometimes people cross over the line due to taking the corner too fast while in other cases it’s an attempt to drive in a straighter line and save time on the journey, “ Mr Jarvis said, “Either way it’s extremely dangerous and we’re asking people to focus on staying on the correct side of the line.”

Mr Jarvis said the campaign would be focused on the Kawarau Gorge and the Queenstown – Kingston Highway and police would be stepping up their enforcement of the keep left rule while the campaign takes place.

The roads involved in the “Keep Left” campaign are administered by NZTA