How Safe Is Your Veranda?

Thursday 19 July 2012, 2:03PM

By Marlborough District Council



Particular building features like chimneys, stairwells and verandas may be unsafe in an earthquake if they are unsecured, even in a property that is otherwise structurally sound.

Verandas that were not adequately anchored were shown to perform poorly in the Christchurch earthquakes.

The Marlborough District Council does not address the building performance of verandas on commercial properties in its earthquake-prone building policy but, in the wake of the recommendations from the Canterbury Earthquake Commission, there are indications that more stringent rules may be applied nationwide in future.

In the meantime, Marlborough councillors have agreed that some rules around verandas should be considered for the Council’s own earthquake-prone building policy so that, locally, the Council would be able to actively assess commercial properties to establish whether strengthening is necessary.

All property owners should understand that a veranda can be a point of weakness in any building; risk is increased where veranda posts are angled or shifting, or unsecured to a porch, deck or roof.

See the Council’s current proposals for updating its earthquake-prone building policy:

Submissions on the proposed changes to the policy will be accepted until 6 September 2012.