Fine Weather In June Helps Progress HBMAG Project

Friday 20 July 2012, 12:49PM

By Napier City Council


Roof lanterns on the new wing take shape. These will provide diffused natural light to the new wing's first floor galleries on Hawkes Bay Museum & Art Gallery Upgrade.
Roof lanterns on the new wing take shape. These will provide diffused natural light to the new wing's first floor galleries on Hawkes Bay Museum & Art Gallery Upgrade. Credit: Napier City Council


A very dry month for this time of year, June provided excellent building conditions for the Hawke’s Bay Museum & Art Gallery redevelopment.

Most of the structure for the roof of the new wing is complete, including distinctive roof lanterns which can be seen from the street. Projecting above the roof level, these will provide diffused natural lighting to the main upper floor galleries.

Work is to follow on the main foyer roof, while window installation continues on the ground floor. Steel-frame partitions are being installed to shape individual rooms in the basement.

Many skilled tradesmen are working on site, particularly on heating, ventilation, fire protection, plumbing, electrical and data cabling services.

From a casual observer’s point of view, the construction focus may appear to be on the new wing. However, much has been happening behind the existing wing’s original walls.

Bales of insulation have been installed, internal walls are lined, doors have been put in place and storage shelves are soon to be built in the cleared basement.

Timber framing will replace old brick walls and the recently painted exterior façade on Browning Street is nearly complete.

And, in another small milestone for the project, a lift has been installed in the foyer of the Century Theatre.