Basin Reserve improvements imperative for region's future

Saturday 18 August 2012, 4:42AM

By Greater Wellington Regional Council



The Basin Reserve is one of the biggest traffic jams in the region and the separation of traffic flows around it is vital to keep the Wellington region moving physically and economically, says Fran Wilde, Chair of the Wellington Regional Transport Committee.

The Regional Transport Committee developed and owns the Ngauranga to Airport Corridor Plan which includes the roading improvements around the Basin Reserve.

“People are delayed here constantly, whatever the time of day, and it’s getting worse in the weekday peaks and at weekends. The plan announced yesterday will help smooth traffic to and from the eastern and southern suburbs and is essential for the future of Wellington City and the region. Bus passengers, pedestrians and cyclists will also have huge gains from the improvements.”

Ms Wilde says the improvements will be critical for the delivery of a high quality Wellington city public transport spine, which is currently being assessed in a study that has narrowed options down to a bus priority system, a bus rapid transit system or light rail. 

“Better walking and cycling facilities are also a very important part of the plan. We’re confident that the proposed walking and cycling paths on both the new road and underneath it will make it much easier and safer for pedestrians and cyclists to get round the Basin.

“And improvements here mean that the scenic eastern route around Oriental Bay can be enjoyed more by motorists, cyclists and pedestrians who have the time for a more leisurely journey.”

Fran Wilde says that concerns expressed about the aesthetic implications of the roading changes for the Basin Reserve environment were legitimate and the final detail design needed to take this into account.

“The Basin will always be a precious green space in the city. We need to make sure its special character is retained through a robust consenting process. I believe that the NZ Transport Agency means what it says about its commitment to respect the heritage and sensitivity of the surrounding environment, and we look forward to working with them on the next steps of this project.”