City's hotels offer "world-class" reception

Wednesday 5 September 2012, 1:36AM

By Pead PR



Pack your bags New Zealand - Auckland beckons. And the hoteliers in the nation’s biggest city are ready and waiting to make your visit the best it can be.

Kiwis visiting Auckland in response to the new domestic tourism campaign from Auckland Tourism, Events and Economic Development can expect a world-class reception according to the city’s hotel industry boss.

“Auckland has such a great range of hotels throughout the city that can cater for all tastes, budgets and reasons to visit the region,” says Rob McIntyre, regional chairman for Tourism Industry NZ Hotels sector and general manager of the five star Pullman Auckland hotel.

“This campaign supports the industry at a time when international visitor numbers are down due to overseas economic woes. Domestic travellers become much more important to hoteliers and other local businesses reliant on the tourist dollar at times such as these and we look forward to welcoming them with open arms.”

Mr McIntyre says hoteliers are thrilled with the direction ATEED has taken with its new domestic campaign.

“As a destination Auckland has really upped its game. The shopping and restaurants are certainly world class and the activities centred on our beautiful beaches, the harbour and the Hauraki Gulf islands make for a fantastic holiday.

“Our city is so cosmopolitan now and there’s a myriad of things to do and experience - whether it’s a family weekend or wine tasting on Waiheke with friends or attending one of the frequent concerts that come through the city.

“The timing of the campaign is great as it kicks off before the busy summer season starts so the deals on offer are pretty sharp. Plus, you’re a tourist in your own country for a fraction of the cost and considerably less hassle than going overseas,” Mr McIntyre says.

As regional chairman for Tourism Industry NZ Hotels sector, Mr McIntyre represents 36 hotels in all categories throughout the Auckland region.