Temporary Accommodation Allowance extended

Thursday 27 September 2012, 1:36PM

By Gerry Brownlee



Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Minister Gerry Brownlee says residents whose dwellings have been seriously affected by the earthquakes can be reassured that financial support remains available, following the extension of the Government’s Temporary Accommodation Allowance (TAA).

“The TAA was originally designed for people whose homes were made uninhabitable by the 4 September 2010 earthquake, and whose insurance cover for temporary accommodation was about to run out,” Mr Brownlee says.

“The allowances were made available on 17 February 2011 and to date $12.56 million support has been paid to 1827 families and individuals.

“Last week $363,455 was paid to 1318 families and individuals.”

The accommodation allowance is for home owners and can be used to cover rent, board and motel stays. It is not means tested and offers support of up to $330 per week, depending on the family commitments of the applicants.

Mr Brownlee says the allowance was originally intended to be available until February 2013, based on the extent of damage and projected demand following the first major earthquake to hit the region on 4 September 2010.

“Obviously the 22 February 2011 quake resulted in far greater damage to people’s homes, hence the need to extend the scheme.

“In some instances the time frames for residents’ assistance through insurance cover will run out, so residents will now have access to the programme until 1 March 2015.”

More information on accessing the TAA can be found at, by calling 0800 673227 or through the Government’s earthquake assistance hubs at Avondale and Kaiapoi.