University celebrates Excellence in Equity Awards 2012

Friday 28 September 2012, 1:21PM

By University of Auckland



The University of Auckland congratulates the winners of this year’s Excellence in Equity Awards and acknowledges all those who submitted applications.

The biennial Excellence in Equity Awards aim to acknowledge and stimulate equity-focused research, projects and initiatives. This year, the judges considered a record 20 applications, reflecting the University’s commitment to student and staff equity outcomes through research, teaching and learning, policies, practices and an inclusive study and work environment.

The entries span faculties, service divisions and disciplines. They include initiatives focused on Te Tiriti o Waitangi - the Treaty of Waitangi, professional and academic staff development, physical accessibility, health research and community engagement.

“We were very pleased by the strong interest in this year’s awards and impressed by the breadth, depth and quality of the applications,” says Trudie McNaughton, Pro Vice-Chancellor (Equity). “The University is committed to creating an equitable, inclusive and world-class place to work and study. This year’s Excellence in Equity Awards highlight how the University’s diverse equity work contributes to enhancing New Zealand’s future.”

The winners of the University’s Excellence in Equity Awards 2012 are:

  • Rangimarie Rawiri, Sustained Achievement (Faculty of Arts)
  • Peter Fehl & Property Services, Sustained Achievement (Property Services)
  • Sina Greenwood, Sustained Achievement (Faculty of Science)
  • Robyn Manuel, Sustained Achievement (Centre for Academic Development)
  • School of Environment Tuākana Programme, Sustained Achievement (Faculty of Science, School of Environment)
  • Queer/Trans Visibility and Action (Faculty of Education)
  • Dr Te Kipa Kepa Brian Morgan, Contribution to Faculty of Engineering (Faculty of Engineering)
  • A Research Collaboration to Put Health Equity on the Agenda (Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences plus four district health boards)
  • Tātou Tātou/Success for All: Improving Māori Student Success in Health Professional Degree-level Programmes (Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences)
  • Life and Living in Advanced Age: a Cohort Study in New Zealand Te Puāwaitanga o Ngā Tapuwae Kia Ora Tonu (Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences, School of Population Health, Department of General Practice and Primary Health Care and Te Kupenga Hauora Māori)
  • Working with Communities - the Te Hana Community Project (Immersion Studio) (National Institute of Creative Arts and Industries, School of Architecture and Planning)



For more information about the University’s Excellence in Equity Awards, including video interviews of the winners and synopses of all applications, please visit