Burned 2-year-old untreated for months

Friday 5 October 2012, 6:53AM

By NP Linked Taranaki




A mother has been accused of immersing her two year old son's hand in boiling water then not seeking medical treatment for atleast eight months.

The two year old has suffered severe burns amd will need extensive skin graft surgery for the wounds.

What the mother says was an 'accident' happened at the family's Porirua East house before Christmas. 

The woman who we can confirm is 31 years old denies causing the injuries and claims it was an "accident".

The wounds were discovered by authorities by chance when police called on the child's home on August 1 seeking witnesses to a minor vehicle accident on the street. A police officer saw the boy's hands and contacted Child Youth and Family and the Wellington Police District Child Protection Team.

The woman was arrested on September 6, appeared in court and was granted interim name suppression. She faces two charges of cruelty and ill-treatment of a child, and one of wounding with reckless disregard causing grievous bodily harm.

Part of the cruelty charge relates to failing to provide medical attention for the boy's severe wounds.

It is understood the child would have required morphine for the pain.

Team manager Detective Senior Sergeant Neil Holden said the child was now in CYF care. A 3-month-old baby - his sibling - had also been placed in state care.