Positive Ageing - Respecting our Seniors

Thursday 1 November 2012, 11:37PM

By Marlborough District Council



A national campaign is underway to identify “Dignity Champions” – people who are helping to create a culture where older people are valued and included.

The campaign is being driven by Age Concern through its ‘Dignity and Respect’ campaign launched this month. The campaign aims to help change attitudes and behaviour that devalue older people.

The first three Dignity Champion Awards have gone to St John Ambulance, Equal Opportunities Commissioner Dr Judy McGregor for her work on carers in in the aged care sector, and Hayden Jones for TVNZ’s Good Sorts programme, which pays tribute to many people, most of them older New Zealanders making life better for others.

To nominate someone or register support for this campaign

Dignity Champions Pledge

  • Reject stereotypes
  • Speak up when you hear people speaking negatively about growing old
  • Question practices that are disrespectful to older people
  • Never patronise older people
  • Be patient, polite and friendly
  • Have zero tolerance for abuse or neglect
  • Be relationship builders – get to know the older people in your life.