SPCA: "Stockpiling of fireworks causes animal welfare concern"

Friday 2 November 2012, 11:21AM

By Royal New Zealand SPCA


The reduction of days of sale has failed to save the animals that are affected each year.
Last year the SPCA was made aware of distressed and lost animals with fireworks starting well before the date of first sale, indicating that people had stockpiled from the previous year. With 1135 tonnes of fireworks imported last year, extended use is expected again this year.

The SPCA advises animal owners to take special precautions to protect their pets over the Guy Fawkes season, however responsible owners cannot be expected to keep animals confined indefinitely.

Flight due to fear of fireworks invariably results in harm to animals and distress to owners.

“Surely injury and death of animals cannot be an ‘acceptable’ result for a celebration that is not part of our history or culture. Guy Fawkes fireworks cause millions of dollars of damage to people, property and pets every year – damage that is totally avoidable” Ms Kippenberger says.

“Again this year we are asking for the celebration to be restricted to public fireworks displays.”  says Robyn Kippenberger, SPCA National Chief Executive.

“We also ask for mandatory consultation to occur for the sensible placement of public displays to ensure that horses and stock are not affected and for advance notice to residents adjacent to them.”

“A 2011 Facebook survey showed 71% of the public would like to see personal sales banned and other media have reported between 67% and 53% supporting public displays only. The SPCA believes there is majority support for a total ban of fireworks for personal use and we are calling on Government to take a tough stand” she says.