Tika Bullrush – A Legend will be Born!

Tuesday 13 November 2012, 11:57AM

By Paul Blomfield PR



Movember is proud to be throwing its considerable support behind the quintessential kiwi event of the summer - the Tika National Bullrush Competition – charging into town this Saturday November 17th at Auckland’s North Harbour Stadium. 

An event that is sure to get those childhood memories rushing back, the Tika National Bullrush Competition is the lifelong dream of Event Organiser and Mo Bro Sam Ward. 

“Bullrush is ‘that’ game that was banned from lots of schools in the late 80s and 90s,” says Ward.
“It was challenging and saw a lot of skinned knees, but it showed us how speed could beat brawn and taught us some realities of life along the way.

“I know for at least for me, Bullrush was the one thing that I went to school for – and it deserves to have its time in the limelight again.”

The competition will feature three games of pool play which compete for a place in the semi finals, along with the traditional lolly scramble, spot prizes, meat raffles and an array of New Zealand sporting legend’s competing for the title of Bullrush champion.  All competitors are to be bare foot and costume wearing is highly encouraged.

Movember Country Manager for New Zealand, Robert Dunne is delighted to be supporting the competition which includes a number of Mo Bros competing for the inaugural title including ZM Drive Host Jay Reeve, MaiFM and ex Warrior Wairangi Koopu.

“Bullrush is that one game that every kiwi male has experienced at least once in their school life,” says Dunne.  “It’s a game that many blokes hold dear to their hearts and for one day there’ll be no headmasters telling us we can’t play”. 

The battle commences at 1pm with the first round of the Tika Bullrush tournament tearing up the North Harbour Outer Oval.  Divisions have been split to include U18, Ladies, Men and even a chance for the younger generations to get stuck into it with games being organised on the day based on numbers. Semi Finals and the grand final will take place at 4pm followed by the essential prize presentation.

Not to be outdone, 3.30pm will see the 'Halftime Streaker Challenge' hit the ground running with contestants running the length of the field in their undies whilst evading the 20 men and women in fluoro vests.

What was born as a mere pipe dream on a paddock has turned into one of the most talked about events on the Movember calendar!  For more information, head to


Tika Bullrush
Saturday November 17th
1pm - 5pm

To speak with Movember ambassador about their involvement, or access high res images please contact us.

See more about Movember at

Paul Blomfield, PR Consultant; (021) 970 871 or