Keeping our kids safe around pools

Friday 16 November 2012, 1:53PM

By Taupo District Council



Taupō District Council is encouraging our community to make sure their pools are safe as it launches its pool safety campaign for the summer.

Having a safe pool is about keeping our children and community safe to prevent drowning. Council staff are encouraging the community to check to ensure their pools are fenced and follow safety standards.

The Fencing of Swimming Pools Act 1987 places obligations on both pool owners and local authorities to keep pools safe. This year’s pool safety campaign was initiated to increase public awareness of the dangers around pools, provide owners with information about how to keep their pools safe and to ensure they then comply with the rules around pool safety.

Between November and February Council staff will contact pool owners and work with them. Staff will help organise home visits to those with pools to inspect their safety, including fencing and safe filling and emptying practices. This will include spa pools.

With summer just around the corner, more people will be enjoying the use of their pools more often. The safety of those pools rests with both those who have pools and with Council. Staff urge pool owners to take responsibility for keeping our kids safe.

If you have a pool that is not registered with Council, please give our customer services team a call on 07 376 0693 to sort out registration and organise a time for the team to visit. Download our pool safety brochure here