Natural Fertility New Zealand Launch new Website!

Natural Fertility New Zealand Launch new Website!

Credit: Natural Fertility New Zealand

Nest Consulting

21 February 2013, 4:53PM

Nest Consulting


Natural Fertility New Zealand (NFNZ), a registered charity, launch their new website on Friday 22 February!!

With more than 1 in 6 NZ couples struggling with fertility and with more women than ever enquiring about safe, reliable (98 % effective), drug free methods of avoiding pregnancy NFNZ have responded by updating its resources.

The new website provides information, a link to your local Educator, an on-line shop, a fertility quiz & more!

NFNZ Fertility Educators generally come from a medical or health professional background and (in addition to their existing qualification of nurse, midwife, doctor, naturopath, etc) undergo a theory and practical training course which takes six to twelve months. This is then followed by a period of supervision before they are Accredited as Fertility Educators. All Educators undergo a regular full clinical audit and are re-accredited to NFNZ annually. NFNZ is committed to the on-going training of its Educators through training days and monthly updates about medical advances and relevant scientific research.
Fertility Educators hold clinics and/or provide home visits in most main centres throughout New Zealand and many also provide distance education (on-line or via Skype). Group Education and In-School Education (Puberty & Fertility Awareness Courses) are also provided throughout much of New Zealand.

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