A City of Souls

A City of Souls

Credit: Catalyst Theatre Company

Catalyst Theatre Company

21 August 2008, 8:36AM

Catalyst Theatre Company


Even the best of parties have to come to an end and the harsh light of day must come crashing in.

Five twenty-something friends are about to get a wake up call. Their personal dissatisfaction with their individual lives is about to explode with lasting consequences and once it does there will be no turning back.

Is there a light at the end of tunnel? Maybe for some.

Why is it, when all you want to do is abandon hope, you still fight for the future?

Dates: Friday 10th to Saturday 25th October (no shows Sunday, Monday)
Times: All shows at 8pm.
Venue: Basement Theatre (ex Silo)

Book at The EDGE.



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A City of Souls
27 September 2008
A City of Souls
25 August 2008
A City of Souls
22 August 2008