Skate Park to Start in mid January

Tuesday 27 November 2007, 10:43AM

By Queenstown Lakes District Council



Construction of the Queenstown Skate Park is scheduled to get underway in the New Year, Queenstown Lakes District Council project manager Russell Engelke said.

The exact project timing had been reliant on the availability of the specialist contractor.

“It looks as though we will have the new facility up and running by Easter, which is great news,” Mr Engelke said.

The new park would feature a large skate plaza as the first stage of the project. The second stage, pending funding, was a bowl.

The project had attracted trust funding and funding from the council ($200,000), however fundraising was ongoing for the Wakatipu Skate Club as the project required an additional $83,000 to complete stage two.

“The club has been working really hard to attract funding to complete the second stage and we hope it can achieve that goal,” Mr Engelke said

What was really needed was some strong community support for the facility. “Any support will be gratefully accepted,” Mr Engelke said.

Anyone who could assist the club could contact Mr Engelke at the council.

Meanwhile the old skate park had now been demolished and the ramp moved to allow for the preparation of the site. The ramp was given to the City Impact Church, which planned to refurbish the wooden ramps and re-use the structure at Frankton.