New visa rule to help New Zealanders into Canterbury rebuild jobs

Monday 28 January 2013, 4:03PM

By Nathan Guy



A new visa rule coming into effect today will help ensure New Zealanders are first in line for job vacancies created during the Canterbury rebuild, says Immigration Minister Nathan Guy.

“The new rule means visa applications to fill most jobs in Canterbury won’t be processed until a check has been done to ensure there are no suitable New Zealanders to fill the vacancy,” says Mr Guy.

“The rule also benefits employers because it streamlines the visa process. Employers will know sooner if a visa application for a migrant worker is likely to succeed.”

From today employers must register vacancies for trades, clerical and manual occupations in Canterbury with the Canterbury Skills and Employment Hub before they support a visa application for a migrant to fill the vacancy.

“If there are suitable New Zealanders available to do the job, the Skills Hub will help put the employer in touch with these candidates.

“If there are not, the Skills Hub will confirm this in a letter that can be sent to Immigration New Zealand along with a visa application for a migrant to be considered to fill the vacancy. The letter means Immigration New Zealand will no longer perform a labour market check (including a referral to Work and Income) as this job will already have been performed by the Skills Hub.

“This will speed up the visa processing time for employers and help towards the rebuild effort,” says Mr Guy.

The rule change affects most jobs in Canterbury, including trades, clerical and manual jobs. It does not affect highly skilled occupations, or occupations on the Canterbury Skills Shortage List.

Employers can register their vacancies online at

Contact with the Hub may be made by calling 0800CanHub (0800226482) or emailing

Staff at the Canterbury Skills Hub and Immigration New Zealand branches worldwide will work with employers to help them adapt to the new rule.

Further information is available here.