One month until the Census

Tuesday 5 February 2013, 4:42PM

By Maurice Williamson


Statistics Minister Maurice Williamson says it’s now just one month until the Census takes place.

“The 2013 Census is likely to be the largest activity undertaken by any government department this year as we seek to count every person in New Zealand on Tuesday, March 5th.”

The 2011 Census was postponed due to the Canterbury earthquakes.

“Statistics New Zealand is expecting over two million census forms to be completed online, with internet access codes being delivered alongside paper forms,” Mr Williamson says.

In total, more than 7000 census collectors will visit 1.8 million homes and deliver 6.4 million census forms (individual and dwelling). Census collectors will visit every dwelling in New Zealand, including cruise ships, prisons, hospitals and apartments.

“It’s a huge undertaking, but one that gives the information needed by Government and other agencies to plan for the future.

“For Canterbury, the 2013 Census means the region will have important information about how the region has changed. We will publish information broken down to suburban level, which will enable planners to look at how the population has shifted,” Mr Williamson says.

A team of community liaison advisers is also working to promote the importance of census within Māori, Pacific Island and Ethnic communities. These communities have had significant undercounts in previous censuses.

“Having Māori, Samoan, Tongan, Hindi, and Mandarin speakers to name just a few, means we are getting the census message out far and wide.”

Census collectors will start delivering internet access codes and forms from February 16th.