The Front launches to deal with addiction

Thursday 14 February 2013, 2:05PM

By Charity Matters


The Front, soon to be registered as a Charity, has been launched to help deal with addiction in the hospitality sector.

After having battled with addiction The Front founder, Tom Gardiner, is now set to help others in the hospitality sector deal with addictions.

Tom Gardiner stated; “Our aim is to provide help for employers, employees and students within this sector through our own knowledge, experience and support. We want them to have the skills needed and the strength to be able to either battle addiction or to know when and where to ask for help

Being an alcoholic himself, Mr Gardiner knows too well that one drink is too many and one thousand is never enough, and sees this in the people he comes across when he runs his sessions with people in the hospitality sector seeking help for their addictions.

For employers the idea of The Front is that it would offer a service to enable employers to deal with the problems of addiction in their business or organisation.

The Front will work with employers to discuss and identify the warning signs of addiction, and how to approach the people affected and how to deal with this in order to get the best outcome for everyone.

“This is a sensitive area and not an easy one to broach, so we would also offer a service of either being there as support or mediation, or actually talking to the person themselves”. Mr Gardiner stated, adding that “for larger organisations this would be conducted in accordance to Human Resources requirements and if needed, with an Human Resources team member”.

Mr Gardiner also says The Front will work with employees and students to give them the tools to deal with this issue before any problems arise. “It’s about letting them know we are here to talk to, give them guidance or even help them take the next step if that is what’s needed.“

Mr Gardiner hopes that The Front will be able to work with training institutes to talk to students about his personal experiences of addiction and the path that led him to it. Giving students an insight into the perils the sector can have on their lives, and give them the tools to avoid this before they begin to appear in their own lives.

“We don’t want to only be the ambulance at the bottom of the cliff helping people deal with their addiction, we’d like to be at the top of the cliff – steering people away from any problem and the best way we can do this is by being invited to speak with students training to become part of the hospitality sector.”

Mr Gardiner invites people working in or training to be part of the sector to contact him to learn more about how The Front can assist to contact him via email; sponsorship opportunities also exist to help form The Front trust and Mr Gardiner welcomes inquiries from individuals and businesses interested in being foundation sponsors.

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Tom Gardiner