More help for business awards hopefuls

Thursday 25 April 2013, 9:22AM

By Kapiti Horowhenua Business Awards



A new website has been launched this week to make it easier to access information and to enter the Electra Kapiti Horowhenua Business Awards.Until now, the only way to locate the business awards information on the Internet was via a special section on the Electra website.

Chair of Business Kapiti Horowhenua, Mark Ternent, says the new site –  - has been built specifically for the Awards and its content has been re-developed not only in line with this year’s new approach to the awards, but also to make it easier to find information.Incorporated into the website are links for registering entry interest, for submitting entries, booking tickets for the Gala Awards night and a simple way to be included in the awards’ regular emails of information and news releases.In another development available for the first time this year, there are two people rather than one person available to assist potential

entrants.   Helene Judge is working with businesses preparing to enter and Richard Eltherington will then be available to assist entrants as they work through the entry form.

The questions on the entry form have been designed to better represent what excellent businesses do and arise from the constant  redevelopment of the awards over the twenty years they have operated.

Next month there’s a free half day workshop planned for potential entrants so that they are well informed on the best way to supply preliminary information to the judges.

Entries for this  year’s Electra Kapiti Horowhenua Business awards close on 10th June.

Further information -
Business Kapiti Horowhenua Chair – Mark Ternent –  04 297 1040 ext 3 or 029 904600,
Kapiti Horowhenua Business Awards Organiser – Kirsten Kilmister(Scopevents Ltd) –  04 239 9958 or 027 2848291,