Business thinks it's TOO hard...

Thursday 31 October 2013, 10:01AM

By Customer Experiences Ltd


Developing a consistent quality customer experience is seen by the majority of organisations as too hard, in fact way to hard to even give it a go.

Most businesses understand the benefits of increased customer loyalty, customer recommendation, employee engagement and reduced marketing costs. What’s impacting the lack of action is the disappointment businesses have experienced from giving it a go and not seeing the results according to Chris Bell Managing Director Customer Experiences a company that specialises in the development of quality customer experiences.

To create a powerful quality customer experience all a business needs to do is make the commitment according to Bell the rest is relatively straight forward.

The development of our seven step programme is where all the hard work has been done. Our research 8 years ago showed clearly that most businesses were not following a strategic sequential plan.
Many were looking for a quick fix, some magic software or a front-line customer service training workshop. The result was confusion and frustration from both employees and customers and ultimately a lack of results and long-term commitment. 

Bell said that a lack of a long-term commitment to the development of a consistently delivered quality customer experience is the number one reason customer loyalty is on the decline, employee disengagement is increasing and productivity is near the bottom of the OECD.

Customer Experiences has just gone a step further to make the process of developing a customer experience even easier through the release of a free fully supported customer experience development programme.

Profit and growth are stimulated primarily by employee and customer loyalty. Loyalty is a direct result of exceeding customer’s expectations. Exceeding customer’s expectations is largely achieved by the value of service provided to customers.
Value is created by engaged, loyal, creative and productive people. 

Customer Experiences is an organisation specialising in the developing of high quality customer experiences. For further information – contact Chris Bell Managing Director Customer Experiences Ltd email               mb 027 2792360