She Chocolate Bus Caring for the Community with Chocolate Relief

Monday 24 February 2014, 10:08AM

By Deon Swiggs


Chocolate Bus delivers presents with Rebuild Christchurch Foundation Project Christmas
Chocolate Bus delivers presents with Rebuild Christchurch Foundation Project Christmas Credit: Deon Swiggs

She’s Historic Community Chocolate Bus, aka The Chocolate Bus, has become synomonus with the community and revival of Christchurch since its introduction to the City in September 2010. Its arrival coincided with the very first earthquake to hit the city.

The 1948 Leyland Titan, described as an RTL 68 carries a very simple message ‘Inspiring Your Love of Life”, which is displayed on the side of the bus.

She Universe (formerly She Chocolat) is now seeking the help of the Community of Christchurch and the wider community to restore the bus.

A Pledge Me campaign has been launched seeking to raise $50,000 to help install a new engine and gear box and also to help carry out much needed restorative body work. Every dollar beyond $25,000 will go towards doing restorative work and to support a number of new community initiatives planned.

Post quakes the Chocolate Bus continues to support and work with many cross sections of the community.  Fundraisers, Schools and even rest homes have enjoyed the experience of the Chocolate Bus. Supporting and caring for the people of Christchurch City has been its primary focus.  It has grown into a much loved Icon of the City and we hope will be an iconic ambassador for the city into the future.

Once restored the bus will continue and expand its activities through Chocolate Relief to support the Christchurch Communities. With a fully functioning reconditioned engine, the bus will be of service to all of New Zealand and be dedicated to awakening the hearts and spirits of New Zealand.

To donate to the campaign go to or visit the She Universe website on


For more information contact Declan Scott on 027 695 8922 or email