The Plaza in Palmerston North grants Christmas wish for a marriage proposal

Thursday 18 December 2014, 5:16PM

By Alexander PR



As part of Kiwi Income Property Trust’s #WinYourWish Christmas campaign, The Plaza in Palmerston North was able to unite a couple of lovebirds in an in-centre proposal, captured and witnessed by shoppers and well-wishers.
Ann-Maree Dudley wished for a wedding ring, and on Tuesday in amongst the hustle and bustle of the busy shopping centre’s Christmas trade, she was granted her wish as she was proposed to by her boyfriend, Scott Marsden.
Jess Till, Marketing Manager at The Plaza, called Marsden late last week informing him of Dudley’s Christmas wish and how it had been chosen as one of the lucky wishes to be granted. Initially, Marsden thought it was a joke, but as the conversation with Ms Till went on, he realized it wasn’t!
Marsden met Ms Till at the shopping centre on Monday to choose the ring where he picked out something gorgeous and something that he knew his soon-to-be fiancée would like.
On Tuesday, the centre was buzzing and Ms Till was looking forward to what was about to take place. “It’s all very exciting! We’ve got both bosses [Marsden’s and Dudley’s] on side and in the know so that they can both get away from work. We’ve set up a nice red carpet leading up to the ‘giant present display’ which holds all of our ‘wished-for’ gifts. There is a ‘man-sized present’ just inside and a ring box on a pedestal right beside it. Scott will be able to pop out of the display and propose! We’re trying to make it as special as we can for them both. Everyone involved is looking forward to seeing how this surprise plays out: I can’t imagine how Scott’s feeling right now - even I am nervous!”
The proposal went well with onlookers going up to the happy couple and congratulating them after it had taken place.