Andrew Fawcet's New Auckland Apartment Block

Monday 31 August 2015, 1:05PM

By Haiming Jiang



Andrew Fawcet’s Myland recently purchased the area at 39-47 Union St in Auckland.  The site is large enough to accommodate up to three towers of apartments but that isn’t what is going to happen.  Myland wants to do something more than just build a group of apartment buildings and shove everyone right next to each other.  Instead, Fawcet and Myland want to build much higher standard of living with a lower density of residents.

Instead of the 250 plus apartments that the company could build at the location they are going to build just about 150 units.  These units will be focused on fine living with high standards.  Not only will there be apartment units but there will also be terrace houses.  Apartments will vary from one to three bedrooms and include a study so that renters will have a little extra space to live and work.

When it comes to cost of the units it will be only the wealthy that can afford them.  Apartments start at $400,000 and go all the way up to $900,000.  The terrace houses start even higher at $650,000 and the most expensive can be had for around $1,200,000.  These units will be only available to those with a great income.

The property is also going to focus on having a greener atmosphere.  Named the “Union Green” a large number of the area will be focused on having green space and park area as opposed to maximizing the number of residents.  This will allow those who live in the area to have a much nicer livening experience.  It also helps to return the green feeling to the area.

The greenery won’t just be on the ground though.  Planning calls for greenery to be included on pattios and other locations on the building.  Each unit will have an aspect of nature outside to make them feel as if they are taken away from the city.  Greenery has the benefit of helping to purify the air around the building and add the smell of nature, making for healthier and more natural living.

Using his years of experience Fawcet has designed the Union Green to match the neighborhood that surrounds it.  Auckland is full of vibrant businesses with greenery.  What it has been lacking is apartment complexes that fit in with the area.  The project itself cost $120 million to build but is likely to pay for itself quickly with the cost of the units.

Greenery for the project has been provided by Natural Habitats which is well-known for its urban projects.   Natural Habitats has worked on numerous projects for residential areas, commercial areas, and even civic projects.  With so much experience they are bound to deliver a higher than expected experience because the apartments will be much more than a place to live, they will be an experience.  A place to live and enjoy your time.

Andrew Fawcet is Myland Partner’s Director.  For over 25 years Fawcet has been in the property development and management business making a difference in how properties are viewed.  Similar to having the large amount of greener at the Union Green Fawcet is known for having creative properties and solutions.  Over his long time working in the industry he has handled everything from apartments to developments, adding value to the land in New Zealand.

Fawcet and his company have three other projects that have been completed throughout New Zealand.  Scott Point in Auckland, NZ is a subdivision that is expected to be completed in 2016 and has 320 lots.  Kingfisher is a gated community in Lake Taupo, New Zealand, currently the project is 70% sold out.  A premium lifestyle community in Kaipara Harbour, Hinamoki is a 110 lot property that is 100% sold out.

Andrew Fawcet’s Auckland apartment block shows real promise for nice housing for those that can afford to live there.  It will also increase the land value for the area surrounding it.  With Myland Partner’s past success they are sure to have plenty of residents looking to move into the Union Green.