MUSAC's Cloud Library Manager makes the school library catalogue available at school and at home

Thursday 17 December 2015, 2:03PM



MUSAC CEO, Greg Twemlow
MUSAC CEO, Greg Twemlow Credit: MUSAC Ltd

MUSAC's Cloud Library Manager makes the school library catalogue available at school and at home. Being in the Cloud naturally connects the school into the community enabling students and parents to more seamlessly engage together in learning outside of school time. With students being able to review and reserve books from home, parents will have the option to be much more involved in their children's learning having a clear insight into their reading habits and interests on an ongoing basis. Given the majority of parents now being digital natives, there is an innate expectation that information is 'available' from any connected device. The MUSAC Cloud Library Manager enables this and is a natural companion to the parent portal available in the MUSAC Cloud SMS.

MUSAC CEO, Greg Twemlow, said, "This is the first time that an SMS and Library Manager solution are fully integrated and gives teachers, students and caregivers the tools they need to encourage students to develop a love of reading which is so vital for a balanced educational experience".

Teachers perspective:
The seamless integration between online library and the MUSAC SMS blurs the boundary between home and school thereby extending the learning opportunities to well beyond the classroom and standard school day.

Caregiver perspective:
By logging into the online library catalogue with their child, a caregiver will be much more involved in the whole learning process as they explore the full range of reading choices the school has to offer. With each book able to show its cover image and reviews, it makes it very easy to choose books to borrow the next day or reserve for a later date. The "anywhere anytime" accessibility brings a part of the school into the home helping to reinforce key aspects of the students learning and naturally involving the caregiver in the experience.

Student perspective:
Having access to the schools library catalogue from any connected device really encourages students to embrace reading. Students choose, read and reflect on their interests and also discover new interests through the school library. It's also immensely helpful to be able to read other students reviews and to contribute a review, see what new books have been added and reserve them, including via a mobile phone.

The new MUSAC Cloud Library Manager will be available in time for Term 1, 2016. More information is available at or by emailing