More Opportunities as Skilled Job Vacancies in NZ Increase

Thursday 7 January 2016, 6:22PM

By Quinn Recruitment



New Zealand has seen a steady increase in skilled job vacancy advertisements online for the second half of 2015. Despite the 0.7% drop in May, the online ads have increased by 4% compared to the previous year. This is according to the latest report submitted by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment Jobs Online.

Skilled job vacancies are slowly recovering this year after the significant drop since December 2014. The IT industry had the largest monthly increase by up to 1.3%, while the construction and engineering industry suffered the largest fall at 2.2%.

David Paterson, manager at the Labour Market and Business Performance at the Ministry of Business, says that the report highlighted the key trends throughout different industries, regions and occupations. He added that key trends, like the fall of the number of job vacancies and the different factors leading to a weaker demand in the construction industry, are the cause for this.

This doesn’t mean that people in the construction and engineering industry should worry, though. As New Zealand continues to develop, so do the needs of the country to build new infrastructures to keep up. Many contractors will seek workers and hire them to meet the demands of their project. After all, they have a schedule to meet and the right strength of the workforce is the way to make sure they complete it on or before the expected deadline.

About Quinn Recruitment Agency

Quinn Recruitment Agency is one of the trusted specialist recruitment agencies in Auckland. They understand how demanding the entire job hiring process can be, so they help companies find the right people for the right job. From the selection of applicants to the evaluation and verification of their skills and talents, they find it important to hire only the people who can help their clients succeed.

The agency helps job seekers find permanent, part time, temporary and contractual employment in the country’s top leading companies, as well. Whether it’s in the legal, office support and admin, insurance, travel and tourism, advertising or accounting and finance industry, they help applicants land a job where they can show their skills and talents.

Visit for more information about their recruitment services for employers and career seekers.