A new model of professional learning for NZ teachers - Learn Implement Share

Sunday 7 February 2016, 10:45AM

By Learn Implement Share


Are you a teacher? If you are then you might relate to the following scenario:

You attend a professional learning course (1-2 days) and by the end of the course are thinking “Well, all that sounds great in theory but how am I supposed to implement the ideas?” Or maybe you walk out thinking “I want to implement these ideas but I’ll need ten uninterrupted hours of clear head space to weave them into my teaching.”

Either way the content of the course ends up ‘on the shelf’, often never to see the light of day.

Richard Andrew is the founder of Learn Implement Share which provides professional learning for teachers. Having experienced many courses like the one described above during his 25 year teaching career, Richard ensures that Learn Implement Share courses are designed first and foremost to genuinely impact teachers where it counts - in the classroom.

Courses are delivered via an engaging, fully facilitated, online model and run over two to six months depending on the course. This enables the critical implementation and reflection elements to occur during course time - while the course runs. When you leave a Learn Implement Share course you will have already implemented many of the ideas with your students!

The boutique range of courses are not curriculum based and therefore appeal to the global, English speaking market.

Learn Implement Share is based in Australia and a branch has recently opened in New Zealand.