Airport to City bus wouldn't affect taxi companies - advocate

Wednesday 1 June 2016, 11:41AM

By Community Taranaki



A Taranaki teenager advocating for better access to New Plymouth Airport by the likes of a direct City to Airport bus says local transport companies wouldn't be affected.

"If the Taranaki Regional Council did launch a low cost bus service this will stimulates the market, and improve growth on our public transport network," Former council youth representative Michael Riley, 18 said. 

"There are many people that just can't afford a taxi or shuttle to the airport, and therefore have no options available. This will be simply filling a gap." 

Currently the closest Citylink services that get to New Plymouth Airport is Bell Block and Waitara, both settlements more than four kilometers away from the airport with New Plymouth City being more than eleven kilometers away from the airport. 

Riley proposes the Regional Council connect their Waitara and Bell Block service to the airport for this idea to take place. 

"It would mean changing around schedules but it would be beneficial for our tourism industry, and will have a positive effect on the public transport network."

Palmerston North launched a six month trial bus service connecting their city with their airport, and growth expanded network wide. The service is now set in stone and stops at Palmerston North Airport twelve times daily. 

A Facebook page has been set up to support the launch of a New Plymouth Airport bus service. The page is giving away Jetstar travel vouchers and taxi vouchers from local taxi company Energy City Cabs.