Employed midwives vote in favour of interim pay equity deal

Thursday 6 July 2023, 12:48PM

By RedPR


Caroline Conroy - MERAS Co-leader
Caroline Conroy - MERAS Co-leader Credit: Supplied
Michelle Archer, Chair MERAS National Representative Committee
Michelle Archer, Chair MERAS National Representative Committee Credit: Supplied

On the back of Tuesdays confirmation of the critical midwifery shortage, 97% of midwives employed by Te Whatu Ora have voted in support of an interim pay equity deal.

The interim agreement increases the base pay for Te Whatu Ora employed midwives by  between $2800 and $12,000 per year. Midwifery Union, MERAS, says this is pleasing as it’s a start to acknowledging the critical work these health professionals do.

“This increase is long overdue and paying midwives properly is a crucial part of what's needed to help to retain midwives in our maternity services,” says Michelle Archer, Chair of the MERAS National Representative Council.

MERAS represents over 90% of midwives employed by Te Whatu Ora and recommended this agreement to get money into the pockets of midwives while its members wait for an employment relations authority hearing on the full pay equity process.

“There are a number of complexities with the process which have forced us to look to the courts for resolution but MERAS remains open to working with Te Whatu Ora representatives to try and reach a full pay equity settlement,” says MERAS Co-Leader, Caroline Conroy.

It’s been five years since the pay equity process commenced for hospital employed midwives to address historical sex-based undervaluation. The new interim pay rates will be back dated to April 2022.