NZ COVID Whistleblower Barry Young on The Alex Jones Show

Wednesday 6 December 2023, 12:21PM



Transcript of New Zealand COVID whistleblower Barry Young and guest Steve Kirsch on The Alex Jones Show. Barry Young's first interview following his arrest for spreading public data to the public.

Original video:

Summary: Barry Young, a computer programmer, whistleblower, and former employee of the NZ Government's Ministry of Health, discusses his efforts to expose the dangers of the COVID-19 vaccine. Young, who holds a degree in computer science, was responsible for building the vaccine tracking system in New Zealand. After noticing numerous red flags with the vaccine, Young attempted to share his concerns with government officials, only to be met with silence and retaliation. He was eventually arrested and charged with violating the Public Health Act, despite having no intention of violating any laws. Young's efforts have drawn attention to the potential dangers of the COVID-19 vaccine and the need for greater transparency and accountability in the healthcare system. He joins "The Alex Jones Show" to discuss his actions and the implications of the data he has uncovered.


Joining us and we appreciate him. We're going to skip this break. Coming up we have more time is Barry Young, statistician and whistleblower. Barry Young, also known as Winston Smith, 56, has been arrested by New Zealand authorities for exposing a damning database of COVID-19 vaccine deaths. However, the official charge was dishonesty assessing vaccination data. So that's not the crime, even getting the data? It's the crime of misrepresenting it, they claim.


Without any proof, without any examples. In a long form interview with Liz Gunn of the New Zealand Loyal Party. A founder of the New Zealand Loyal Party on November 30, Mr. Young presented connections between specific COVID-19, vaccine batches and mortality rates. The data he shared was alarming and we found the same numbers around the world where you have reporting systems. So he joins us now. Barry, we're all very proud of you. You're an example to us all. Thank you so much for joining us and thank you for your family's courage as well.

Thank you. It's lovely to be here. Thank you for having me. How are you?

I'm doing better knowing there's folks like you in the world. We had a big federal whistleblower on yesterday, about 80 plus thousand missing children and they found a sex slavery, many of them. You guys are really the torch in the darkness here that we're counting on. I can ask a lot of questions, sir, but you're gracious to be here. Where would you like to begin?

Well, firstly, it's early in the morning, so I've had no sleep, so I'm a bit ropey, so I haven't had my coffee yet. And also, they picked a really good photo for the court, didn't they? I mean, how dodgy can you look? So, yeah, it's really good to be out, I'll say that. It's lovely. The sun is shining out here. It's a beautiful day. It's the beginning of summer in New Zealand, so it's just beautiful. It's a beautiful place and I'm just so happy to be out.

Well, you may think it looks dodgy, but I see a very honorable man right there.

Thank you. I was wearing my memory walk T shirt from Alzheimer's. It's just the thing that I happened to be wearing at the time. But it sends a good message that I am an actually decent guy.

I want you to really talk about what you want, but I understand you're not a talk show host, you're a little bit reserved. Let's start with when you started to have questions and why the process of deciding to go public and then what you found in the data.

Yeah, well, like you say, this is my thing, this is my gig. I'm a back level guy, I'm a database administrator. I live in the shadows of it. And our job is basically to we're trusted with the data. That's what we do. We're chosen to be trustworthy people and our job is to make sure that all the data is reliable and it's timely, it's secure, and your bank transactions all get done and they're all correct, all your bills get paid on time, all that sort of stuff. That's basically what I do. Data is my thing. So, yeah, I helped build the system. There was a big team involved, obviously, I had quite a big part to play, I would say. They were singing my praises during it and ending it and the whole project, when it went live, they said, oh, Barry Young did a great job, and all that. So from beginning to end, I was involved with it from all different aspects of it. I'm very good at problem solving, fixing things, so I was involved with fixing all sorts of stuff and debugging the code, the PL SQL procedures and functions that go into it. I wrote a few Unix scripts to handle it and yeah, I basically knew it from beginning to end. And it's a financial transaction system, so every single record on there has to be financially correct and auditable. And every single record on the table on the database is audited by a complicated rules engine which has to verify everything on that record as true and accurate. So it can be audited and it can be paid and it's all financially correct. So it's a very robust sound system. I said it's not the only system in New Zealand. We have others, but it is one of the biggest and so you're able.

To basically type things in and run.

I mean, I've got access to the whole enchilada. It's basically because New Zealand is such a small place, I'd only needed one database administrator to do this and that happened to be me. And I think God of the Universe put me in this place at this time, so I could actually do this. And it's just fortune that has made it possible that I've had access to the debt. And I was never antivax either. I was involved with this vaccine payment system.

You have a lot of credibility. So when did alarm bells start going off?

Yeah, well, my background basically I've had high level access all over the world. I worked in Swiss banks in Zurich and so I've had top level clearance for 20 years and I worked in the biggest museum and bank for ten years with the same top level data access to all customers data. So when alarm bells started going off with us I know data quite well when I started looking at the data and I always had my doubts about it because it didn't sit quite right when they were sending the speed of science and stuff like that, and I knew that it wasn't properly tested or anything like that, it was just rushed through. And with science and a vaccine, it takes years and years and years of procedures and processes they've got to go through before it becomes available for the market. And this thing was just so rushed, and so I always had suspicions about it. And I just looked at the data and what I was seeing since the rollout, it just blew my mind. I was just seeing more and more people dying that shouldn't have been dying. It was just obvious. If you're a database administrator and you scroll through data, you can sense this stuff. And I'm not a statistician, although I do know data quite well.

Well, sorry, I was just going on what the bio said.

That's why I wanted to bring this out. It's because I want people to analyze this. I want people to look at it and say, is this an actual thing? And I'm pretty sure in my heart it is. And we need to open it up, and the government needs to have an inquiry about it, just bring it to the public's attention. I'm saying, government, look at this data and analyze it and answer some questions here that we've got so all the analysts and people like that can say the odds of this not being a killer. And I saw some really big safety signals, some really big red flags. So the ODS of it not being a killer, someone estimated about 100 billion to one, against which statistically means it's impossible that it's not killing people.

I want to get back into the numbers with Steve Kirschen. You coming up and more, but we're seeing these from insurance companies, other government databases, and we know there were way more deaths in 2021, 2022, and 23 than there were at the peak of COVID in 2020. We know this. And now they admit vaccine doesn't protect you, admits it erases your immune system. I mean, they now admit that. They admit the spike protein attacks your DNA. I mean, everything they told us was a lie, but we had a global, unified propaganda push to censor people that even ever tried to question it. It's just wild. So speculation here, rather than just the raw data explosion of illnesses and deaths and all the rest of it, what do you think this is all about? Because a good government and most of the governments are trying to cover this up. The Filipino government, a bunch of governments in Latin America, the Japanese government is investigating it, saying it's terrible. A bunch of other governments are as well. So that's starting to happen. We've had all these prestigious scientists like Dr. Michael Yidon of Pfizer, former vice president, infectious disease head. I mean, they've came out before it was given and said this would happen. We have the FDA document from October 2000 predicting myocarditis heart attacks, blood clots. I don't know if you've seen that, but pretty clear they knew this wasn't going to do what they said it was going to do. So why would you roll something out that your own people are predicting is going to hurt a bunch of people? Do you have an opinion on that?

I know it's a great question. We're five eyes, so who knows what's behind it, right? I'm not going to speculate too much about that. But my analogy is and the way I see it is if you're a worker in a factory or a building site or whatever and you notice there's a machine or scaffolding or whatever, that isn't safe and it's killing. People. You'd say to your boss, hey, look, there's a machine over there that's killed five people already. And what are you going to do about it? In any other circumstance, your boss would say, all right, let's fix it, let's fix the problem. What you wouldn't expect your boss to do is suspend you immediately and then arrest you and then tell everyone else just to ignore everything and go back to work and ignore the pile of corpses.

Very well said, very well.

Thank you. So, yeah, I don't know what's gone on, but we need an inquiry to find out. Definitely.

And that's what you're saying, is we need a real public investigation, governmental, but also have the data out there. You took out the names, you didn't expose anybody's personal data, you did a great job, you had lawyers and experts check it as well, correct anything if I say is wrong. Let's talk about your arrest, people want to know about that. This is your first big interview, you did one interview, that was great.

Yeah, like I say, my background is it. I've had a very boring background up to now, very mundane. I was looking forward to quietly retiring one day and just patting the back, good job. So I never expected anything like this. I've been a good model citizen, you would say, for all my life. I've never been arrested, never been in trouble with the law, I haven't had a speed and ticket for 20 years. I'm a decent guy, I'm a regular guy. And then my arrest, my God, what a doozy that was. It was off the charts. The Gestapo turned up and eight cops, eight cops with guns smashed my door in. I was not at the house at the time, so they couldn't actually wait for me to get there or anything. They just busted down the door, trashed the place. So I turned up and there were unmarked cars in the drive, plane cars. So I drove up, I was thinking, oh, what's going on? The garage door was open, there was people milling about. I thought, oh, my boy, my son's got some friends around or something. So I stopped the car, pulled into the other drive, and then all of a sudden, there's swarms of cops all over the car and they're banging on the windows, they're going to break the window and just, get out, get out. So, yeah, I just literally nearly shit myself. I've never been in a situation like that before. And they dragged me out of the car, put handcuffs on, like, super tight behind my back and then just put me in the back of a car. There was eight of them. And, yeah, I've never experienced it was like a Gestapo. Honestly, it was awful. And then taken to Wellington Prison police station and, yeah, it was not a nice experience. And then caught, and then I was denied bail and then off to Wellington Rimataka Prison, which I must say, the staff there and the really, really nice, really kind to me. So I want to thank them.

Well, that was my next question, because you were very astute when you said this. This was some type of special police unit. This was not regular policing that came and grabbed you. Can you elaborate on that? But then what I've seen with patriots like yourself, though, a lot of times they'll quietly apologize when they know there's no cameras around. Did any of the police feel sorry for that? Or were they believing some lie about you? Did they say anything to you?

What they'd been told in the briefing room was this guy's, Hannibal Lecter, so just go after him and use any force, any means necessary. And I'm not a harmful I'm not a violent guy, and I shouldn't have been handcuffed. It was just ridiculous, the amount of excess and they were all up for. There was a lot of aggression in the air, and I didn't really think any of that was appropriate because I'm a peaceful guy.

Did they say anything to you?

Well, apart from just telling me to put my hands behind my back and get into the car, yeah. It wasn't good. And, yeah, anything I was saying was just like they were saying, just shutting me down. And they trashed the house. I had to go into gun safe, so they wanted to have a look in the gun safe for stuff, so I had to get out and get the keys and stuff. And the place was just unbelievable. There were swimming everywhere and stuff was everywhere. They broke the lock in the garage.

So you're saying they ransacked your home?

My wife's underwear was scattered all over the floor. And what the hell were they looking for? For that to happen? A computer is this big. It's obvious.

Sure, it's pure intimidation. And of course, here you are trying to stop them being murdered by this bioweapon, this lethal injection. Just incredible. But you're saying once you got to the jail, they weren't as brainwashed as these guys.

No, they were nice, the guys in the prison. And that was, like, really heartwarming. And I've got to say a big shout out to the inmates, you guys be good to each other. And, yeah, the guards themselves, some of them came up to me and said, we're on your side. And that was beautiful.

Yeah, they were trying to make them take the damn poison, too.

I know that all the frontline workers and stuff like that this is what I want to stop, because we're human beings. We've got our right to decide what we put into our bodies. So why did they force the frontline workers, the border workers, the prison workers, even hairdressers, even to deliver a pizza? They were forced to have a vaccine mandated. And the government can tell you now, they say, oh, nobody was forced. They absolutely did. It was like, get the vaccine or lose your jaw. That is forcing people.

Incredible. That is wrong. Very young. I really want to give you the floor. I've asked some decent questions. You made some great points, but I want to hear any points you want to get out. We come back from Break and have Steve Kershaw, another amazing person. But just briefly, what was your intent? You said to get an investigation, but I also would think, are you calling for more whistleblowers, more administrators to see your example you've led by example and to have the courage to stand up because they're trying to roll out new lockdowns, new shots all over the Western world. Big pharma's, quarterbacking it. That's not in doubt. What is your message to others that are in your same position?

Absolutely come forward. It's got to happen. Their narrative is crumbling. Every time they come out with something and say, an antivaxxer I'm not is coming out and spreading misinformation. How can I spread misinformation when it's government data? It's their own data. So every time they say that, the audience is shrinking and more and more people are seeing the truth, and that's what needs to happen. More people, regular people, not our echo chamber that we sometimes live in, ordinary people who didn't really want to get vaccinated but had to be vaccinated just to keep their job, to put food on the table. We need to reach those people. And the more people who come out and say, I've noticed this is wrong, the better that the world is turning now. It's coming our way. We are winning now, and this has got to end. And we have to have a fair, open, and honest inquiry about what went on and why it went on and what the world to and it's just crazy. It's just wrong what they did, and anyone can see that. We should get this information out there and do the analysis, have a government inquiry.


And I offered that to the deputy prime minister. I was desperate to reach him.

Hold on, sir. We got to go to break. I want to hear what you did before you went public. That's a really important I'm glad you oh, wow. That was a question I wanted to ask. Did you try to get this to people before you went public? And we have the statistics that are public around the world right when the shots start boom, the deaths explode. It's everywhere. You can look at it right there. We'll be right back. Stay with us. But, Barry, you made a really important point when we went into the break that I wanted you to be able to basically elaborate on and then any other points that you wanted to get out here.

Yeah, I just want anyone who's got access to this level of data just to be brave, because bad things happen when good people do nothing. And there are plenty good people out there, plenty of good people. We just need to be brave and do the right thing, and we can end this.

I totally agree with you. The other question was you began to elaborate on we hit the break. You were saying you reached out to the leader of your country, which is saying he wasn't going to go along with your last two leaders.

He campaigned his election promise was to hold inquiries about the mandates and so far, radio silence. And I tried desperately to reach him, and I was know, I'll give you this data. I'll work with you. I will make you look like the greatest hero in New Zealand history. It's there for you, Winston Peters. It's there for you. And that's what you campaigned on for this. You know, they all campaign. They're all happy to talk to people before the election, but after the election, they just go into the little parliament and you never hear from them again. It's just in a uniparty once more, just one single party, and they'll move in lockstep. And it's awful that we can't reach these people now after the election, and he hasn't responded. We tried so hard to reach him and give him this data and tell him, please investigate this. We need to know what's going on.

And by the way, that's key in law. Our laws are similar, common law, English, common law that you tried to go to the government and you tried to go through the system first. That's an interesting area. I want you to elaborate on that. But right now, I'm going to bring Steve Kershian and kind of let him host here for the next 25 minutes we have with you two together, because he's way smarter than I am when it comes to this stuff and with his observations or his questions. So, Steve, go, you know, one of.

The questions that's been on my mind, which Barry hasn't answered, it's great to be able to do a zoom call with him for the first time is, what happened when you sent the email? Did you send the email and what happened? And why don't you describe what the email you sent was? Well, I think that's really important a million times.

Yeah. So I was trying to reach the Deputy Prime Minister for a couple of days before then, and, you know, calling them constantly got nowhere. So was Liz gunn as well? So we got nowhere, and I sent the email. It's basically said, I am a database administrator. I work for the Ministry of Health. These are my credentials. I implemented this database. I've noticed massive red flag safety signals in it. And statistically, doing some basic analysis, it shows that these vaccines are killing people. And there's a hundred billion to one chance that they're not killing people. So statistically, it's a certainty that they are. And I just said to them, in the name of humanity, you've got two choices. You can be on the right side of history or you can choose to do nothing. And so far, they've done nothing wound. Once I sent that, I just closed my system, just got locked down, and they came after me like a pack.

Of oh, so now we're learning the backstory.

Sorry, Steve.

Go. So, Barry, did you send the email to everyone in upper management, notifying them of a serious safety signal in the data?

Yes, everyone in the executive leadership team, all the deputy director, generals, and then I sent another one to all members of parliament saying exactly the same thing.

So they know that your intent was to save lives and yet they sent the cops after you, even though they knew your intent was to save lives. That is despicable.

Yes, they did. Well, first they locked me out of the system and then they sent all sorts of injunctions and trying to stop me from saying anything, and sent a guy to serve a warrant or something, like a sheet of papers that I couldn't it was like a telephone book. There's no way I could read through it. And it was just gobbledygook. It wasn't even addressed to me. So I don't know what the hell the purpose of that was. Maybe it was to find out where I was at that particular time, because next day the cops show up and boom, I'm in jail.

What was the timing after you sent the email? Did they cut you off immediately from the system after you sent the email? They didn't even investigate.

Yes, they locked me out of the.

System immediately, straight up after you sent the email.

Then I was summoned to at work the next day. And that's the funny thing as well. They sent me a disciplinary notice. They'd lock me out my system, so I've got high level access. You can understand if it was a danger, why they would do something like that. And then I had like an hour, a half an hour's notice to appear at the Ministry for this hearing. And the funny thing is, they got my name completely wrong and my job title, so it wasn't even addressed to me. So if it's not addressed to me, then why should I attend a meeting?

By the way, Steve, I know where you're going. I want you to elaborate on this. But under international law, under common law, which is the basis of law in the west, the fact that they could have claimed they were stupid later, when this all comes out. But now that he went through channels first and they retaliated forcing him to go public, they've now made themselves culpable in the steve.

I'm not an expert on that part of the law, but it is unbelievable to me that here you are whistleblower saying hey, there's a safety signal and they treat you as the criminal here instead of looking at the data and investigating. I'm really curious what happened at this hearing that you went to?

Yeah, let's talk about that. When did this happen before this all unfolded? What's the time frame?

This was on Friday. I was due to appear 1130. I didn't make the hearing. I couldn't make the hearing. It wasn't even addressed to me anyway. So after that, I received another mail that was couriered out a letter saying, you're now suspended from the system.

So they were acting like they were going through a process. You get blindsided, then you get arrested.

Yeah. So after that, the next day, Saturday, was when the private investigator turned up to serve some kind of warrant, which I've got no idea what was actually inside it because it didn't make any sense. And then a Sunday is when the.

Cops showed up and ransacked your house and took you to jail.

Ransacked my house and ate cops with guns.

Did they have a search warrant?

Yeah, they had a warrant, but I wasn't there at time. And they just busted the door open and just trashed the house.

Let me ask Steve a question, and he can elaborate on it. Why didn't they just ignore this? Well, because they're afraid of more whistleblowers. They want to make an example. They're scared of more whistleblowers. I think that's my answer. Steve, what do you say to that? And what does the whistleblower Barry say to that?

Well, I think they wanted to send a message that they need to hide the data from the public. They need to hide the public health data from the public, and that they will go after anyone who tries to create any kind of data transparency so the public can figure out what is going on. And so they will go to great lengths that will probably try to put Barry in jail for the rest of his life, because his crime is exposing the fact that the New Zealand Ministry of Health and the Health New Zealand are complicit in covering up the deaths of over 10,000 people who live in New Zealand. And the data is pretty clear because I have the data, I obfuscated the data and then released it. And they admitted that they couldn't break the obfuscation and nobody's privacy was violated. And anyone can analyze that data and show basically an excess death on average for all doses and all ages, it averages about one excess death per thousand. And this is very comparable to numbers that have been independently estimated by Dennis Rancourt, by Mark Skidmore and others. So all this data is coming in, it's consistent.

And so what's the global number? Some say 20. You're saying 13, Steve.

It's at least 13 alex. And Dennis estimated slightly higher. He estimated 17. And at this point, we're rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic here, because whether we're talking about 13 million or 17 million people, the fact that everybody is.

Asleep on this is 10,000 is a giant crime. But when you're up to 13 million, 17 million, 22 million, it is polishing the silverware on the Titanic.

Yeah, it definitely is. And the shocking thing is that nobody in the world has said, well, there's an error in buckets PY. This is the Python program that goes through the data and puts the data into buckets. Nobody has found a bug in that program. And I've had lots and lots of downloads. In fact, I had a Wasabi server. I bought a terabyte worth of data and bandwidth, and they said they had to close my account because it was using too much bandwidth. And then it turns out that they also said, well, we also got a call from the New Zealand Ministry of Health saying that I'm hosting their proprietary information, which is completely false and defamatory because all of that data is independently derived from their data. There is not a single record that.

Went by the way, Steve, let me just interrupt you because I remember seeing this on your Twitter, your state. You have incredible integrity as a journalist, not just as know, MIT, known guru, inventor of so much, very respected pillar of the community. It's true, Steve Kersh. Everybody knows that. I forgot to raise that. That's a whole other issue. The New Zealand government's trying to stop you, a very successful, respected journalist, from looking at data that has removed the names of the people and is anonymous. I mean, that's a scandal, right?

And not only me, Alex. They didn't just take down my server with my derived data, my independent work. They basically claimed it was theirs and wasabi shut it down without ever talking to me. They closed my account on a Friday night and they've never restored it, and they won't even talk to me about it. To hear my side of the way Wasabi treats their customers.

It's incredible. It's covered up.

A and not only that, Alex, I emailed the CEO and I said, hey, can we talk about this? This is not the way you treat customers. And he basically ghosted me. I gave him my cell phone. I said, please call. Let's have a dialogue, and he ghosted me.

Well, they're scared. It's incredible. Very young.

Let me just say this. Kevin Mccurnan I didn't ask Kevin to help me out, just I posted something I need bulletproof hosting. And Kevin Mccurnan said, hey, I put a copy of your data on my server at Mega, and Mega is in New Zealand, and it's controlled by the New Zealand government. So what. Happened is Kevin has close to a terabyte worth of data. It's on all his research that he's done for the past few years. It's hundreds of thousands of dollars and years of work. What happened is Mega took down his entire server and they said, we destroyed all the data on your server. Go away. We don't want you as a customer. People who aren't computer people posting my data.

So, steve, they're running scared.

They're doing whatever it takes to disrupt people's lives illegally.


Barry Young the whistleblowers chomping in the bit. Barry, you're trying to say something. Go ahead.

Yeah, I was just saying, if this was rubbish, if this is all lies, if there's a madman just spouting off, why would they be doing this? Or is it because I'm telling the truth?

They're trying to stamp out the truth because it's in the data. I mean, continue. And then Steve. Guys, talk to Steve. I think he may have muted himself. Steve, you may have muted yourself.

No, you're back.

What were you saying? Go ahead.

Yeah, they didn't deny anything. They didn't deny that it was legitimate data. People had questioned it. They thought it was a setup. A lot of the statisticians I talked to said, oh, no, this doesn't sound right. This is a setup. How do we know the data is legitimate? And I said, look, I've looked at the data. The data is legitimate. And the fact that they're pursuing Barry tells everybody that the data is legit. This is why they want it taken down, because they know that data is legit, and they know that I did a statistically valid transformation of the data such that we preserve all the statistical fidelity in the data without exposing anyone's privacy. Now, nobody thought this was possible, but I managed to figure out how to do it. And so this means that there's now no excuse. We have just demonstrated, because the New Zealand Ministry of Health has not been able to decipher any of our data, we have now demonstrated that there is no reason in the world for any government in the world to they should all be making their data transparent, because I have a way to do that.

We should have congressional hearings, parliamentary, which you were just doing in the UK. So in the time we have left here, they are running scared. They are in complete panic. Mean, I was out Sunday with my daughter, grocery shopping, went to the park after that, and I had multiple people at the park, people at the grocery store. Bring this up. This thing's really gone for Barry Young and Steve Kirsch. Boosting it. What comes next? Barry Young in your view, what comes next?

Steve Kirsch well, yeah, the way I look at it is it's the people's data. I work for the government, but really, I'm a civil servant. I'm a servant of the people, public servant.

So my steward you're a steward?

My loyalty is to the people of New Zealand. So it's their data, it belongs to them. So we should make it publicly available. And like Steve says, anonymized redacted. It's heartbreaking because it is people's lives. It is. But you've got to look at it statistically and we have to come up with some answers to this. And, yeah, we're not harming anyone, we're not doing anyone any disservice, we're not releasing any data.

Yeah. What do they have to hide? It's nobody's name. So let me ask you this, what needs to come next? Barry Young?

Well, we're waiting on people like Winston Peters, our deputy Prime Minister, who made this a campaign promise that he was going to look into it, to actually front up and do what he said. And it's got to happen all over the world. We have to hold inquiries, we have to look at it, have a fair, honest, open discussion, but at least look at the data. Don't just try and lock people away, because you can lock me away, you can put me away, but you can't hide the truth. You can't lock away the truth. It will always come out.

All right, let me say this. In the time we have left, we can do a commercial free show as well. It gets millions of views. But I was sitting here before the show began and I said, I'm really concerned about Barry Young because these selfless people ever think about themselves losing their job. What's happening? I said, Ask him who's doing a GoFundMe? Who's setting up a foundation for whistleblowers? He's about to go through hell. We don't want to just support whistleblowers. We want to champion them and know we're here to support them and the crew's, like, we hear Steve Kersch is actually working on that. So, Steve, you always think one step ahead of me. What do we do? Barry Young, you're a very humble guy, but you need money to defend yourself and then you need money to champion you, to set up a foundation, whatever's coming, so the enemy knows when they come after whistleblowers, we're not just going to back them, we're going to celebrate them. So we got four minutes to break, guys. What do we do here? Is there a GoFundMe? If they ban you, give, sin goes. It doesn't censor. What do we do? Both of you?



Yeah. We want to make sure that Barry gets the best defense to sorry, I will be taking steps to do that myself and encourage other people to do it as well. But there is absolutely correct. It is the people's data. This is the public's, public health data, and the people are entitled to see it in an obfuscated form. And the fact that it has been created for them because the New Zealand Ministry of Health was incapable of creating obfuscated data. But now that they have it and they have verified that it is not breakable, they need to be publishing this. They shouldn't be taking this down from servers. They should be saying, look at this data, folks.

Yeah, they should be proud of the I just want to point out Barry Young, when I asked when he was coming on, he had no idea. I've not thought about the future. I'm unemployable now. No, he should be celebrated. The man's not even thinking about his next step. That's a real hero, folks. So, Barry and Kirsh, you're a very successful man. I know you backed a lot of stuff. It's good to hear you're going to help him. But also we need to crowdsource this. As soon as you guys are ready to tell me with our great audience where to point the support, I'm ready. So Kersh, are you going to quarterback that?

I will get you a link.

Good. Sooner rather than later. I'm not bitching. You're just taking action. So I'm asking you to do the work.

Yeah, no, absolutely.

Barry Young, you've been very gracious. I know it's early in the morning there. We got to go to break here in 1 minute. I want to come back to five more minutes. Have you closing comments? I know Steve's got to go. He's in the UK. We have the lawyer that you worked with, Liz Gunn, coming on, but just any other points you'd like to make?

I'm just so overwhelmed by all the beautiful people out there and all the support I've got and, yeah, I never intend any dishonesty. There's no dishonest purpose in what I do and every shred of evidence will point to that and they can go through everything they want. There's not a dishonest bone in my body. I just want this to be made the public, to be made aware, to see it, to analyze it themselves and make their own decision. There is no dishonest intent here. So, yeah, that's the way I roll.

Well, we know where the dishonest thing is. They're trying to hide the data. Let me just say something. You're doing this for my family. Me supporting you is, at the end of the day out of altruism, which is empathy, which is what makes us all have a civilization. You're standing up for my family and for my medical rights. So I'm not doing you a favor supporting you. You're a champion fighting for my family and so is Steve kirch, go to break. Two minutes from now I'm going to come back, final comments from both of you. But I don't know if Barry Young knows about the streisand effect. That's a US term, but it goes around where Streisand got mad that somebody showed her 50 bedroom house on the beach or whatever and she got mad, tried to suppress it and made it 100 times bigger. But the Streisand effect is in effect here. So, Barry Young, in closing, please come back and give us updates. It's so selfless. I'm asking, what are you thinking about your future legal funds? I haven't even thought of that. That's just why you're so awesome, brother. Because I'll be honest, if I was doing what you were doing, I'd already be thinking five steps ahead. You are such a sweetheart. Your family, your lady, are such sweethearts. Closing comments here that you want to impart to folks, I just want to.

Say I'm doing this for the people of New Zealand from my heart.


The kids, for our grandchildren, our mokapuna, our Tamariki. This is for them. And the SteadA set holds a lot of river of tears. I've already said that. There's a lot of deaths in the steda that need to be questions need to be asked, and a lot of people have died to bring the staler to the public's attention. Don't let them die in pain.

It was George Arwell that said, in a time of universal deceit, telling the truth's, revolutionary act. You are a hero because we become cowards. But really, you've just done your duty. And if you would have known this and wouldn't have gone public, you would have been complicit. I mean, I think that's why you were forced to make this decision.

Yeah. It's harder to look than to leap. Looking at the data, it was breaking my heart daily, so it was easier just to say, I'm done with it. Let's just let it out, and whatever will happen will happen. And if I have to spend the rest of my life in a jail cell, oh, I'll be happy with my soul will rest.

Wow. If everybody had your attitude, we'd be in a utopia. So beautiful. Barry Young, I said, final comment. Any other beautiful things you want to tell Done, Barry? Go ahead.

Yeah, emotionally straining. It's been a roller coaster. I'm just so happy for all the support and all the beautiful people out there that make it keep me going. It's a wonderful journey. And people like Steve involved as well. Brother, you've delivered a hundredfold. And I really respect you and admire you for what you've done and your stand and people like you, Alex, who I don't agree with everything you say. I really don't. I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but I would die on a hill for your right to say what you say.

I appreciate that, Barry. And I just want you to know, brother, they distort what I supposedly have said. So much of what you hear I said was out of context or a joke. I don't even make jokes anymore because they just take them out of context. Ten second clip. But I totally understand. Well, we're going to win this thing together, and we are at a historic moment right here, and a lot of other whistleblowers are going to come public, and we're going to defeat this together, Barry, because we have to.

We do. It's starting to happen. The world has turned. I can feel ending. This is ending now.

It is.

Barry has done something that no human being has ever done in history. He is the first person history to make public health record level data. Never been done before. It's always been hidden by every public health authority in the entire world. And for the first time, we got to see the man behind the curtain because of Barry's efforts. This is amazing. Barry also I talked to Barry before he did this. He said I may be killed or I may spend the rest of my life in jail. But he was willing to do that and sacrifice his family because it was the right thing to do. There are very few people who have the courage and integrity to do what Barry did.

I agree. Real quick. I got a break. But barry, let me guess. Barry let me guess. 10 seconds. Do you feel more alive than ever?

Yeah. I've slept for the first time in years. It's the best sleep I've ever had.

Incredible. Thank you, sir.